Tier 4 Online Application form (UK) Please follow these instructions when completing the form
Filling in your online application form Student Immigration Service Filling in your online application form 1 - Website: https://visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/product/tier-4-student Go to the website stated above and click on APPLY NOW IMPORTANT: When you are asked to choose a service at the end of the application form please do NOT choose the priority service.
Student Immigration Service Select YES
Student Immigration Service You will not normally have a legal representative. You are the person completing the application.
Student Immigration Service When you initially start your application you will be sent an email with a link to access your application. Please do not delete this email. It is the only way to resume your application. Student Immigration Service
Student Immigration Service Student Immigration Servce
Student Immigration Service You only need to add someone if dependants are also applying for a visa.
Student Immigration Service Click on “Answer questions about this applicant”
Student Immigration Service Please complete as shown in your passport
Student Immigration Service Please complete as appropriate
Student Immigration Service Please enter your UK contact details – telephone number and address VERY IMPORTANT: Please tick the box “I want to receive mail at a different address”
Student Immigration Service It is VERY important that you tick the box to receive mail at a different address as your visa will be sent to the University. Enter the address as stated on the left.
Student Immigration Service Please complete
Student Immigration Service Please enter your personal details to match your passport.
Student Immigration Service Select yes, then enter your passport details
Student Immigration Service Please complete as appropriate.
Student Immigration Service Please complete as appropriate.
Student Immigration Service Please complete as appropriate. The situation on the left is most likely to apply if you are extending your Tier 4 visa.
Student Immigration Service Please complete as appropriate as stated on your BRP (or visa in your passport if you do not have a BRP).
Student Immigration Service Please answer this question according to your situation. If you have a visa for the first time the answer is likely to be NO.
Student Immigration Service Please answer YES (as you have leave as a Tier 4 student).
Student Immigration Service It will be stated on your visa (or travel vignette) whether you needed to register with the police. If so, you will need to provide your up to date police registration certificate with your visa application documents.
Student Immigration Service Select NO if you don’t have a BRP. If you do have a BRP select YES and enter the details that you will be asked for.
Student Immigration Service You will only have a National Insurance number if you are working or have worked in the UK before.
Student Immigration Service Select the answer according to your situation.
Student Immigration Service Please select YES if your English was assessed by the university. For any other English tests please select NO.
Student Immigration Service Please answer the questions honestly and provide details if required.
Student Immigration Service Please answer the questions honestly and provide details if required.
Student Immigration Service The answer must be NO as this would be a breach of your visa conditions.
Student Immigration Service Please answer the questions honestly and openly declare if you have had any offences. The next couple of sections will further ask about criminal and terrorist activities. Please answer honestly.
Student Immigration Service Please answer as demonstrated on the left
Student Immigration Service Select YES
Student Immigration Service If you applied for an undergraduate programme you will have applied through UCAS and will need to answer YES and supply your UCAS number. If you applied for a PGT or PGR programme the answer will be NO.
Student Immigration Service You will have been informed if your course requires ATAS clearance. If so please select YES and enter the ATAS reference number (stated on your ATAS certificate).
Student Immigration Service Please enter if you are currently or have been in the past sponsored by an official financial sponsor. If the answer is YES it will ask further questions about future sponsorship.
Student Immigration Service We urge you to use money in your own name, held in your UK bank account.
Student Immigration Service NO for Sabbatical Officer Qualification your will get: RQF6 = UG RQF7 = PGT RQF8 = PGR Enter the course name matching your CAS Enter course dates matching your CAS
Student Immigration Service Answer NO – unless you are applying for DES
Student Immigration Service You cannot pay MORE than £1,265 for your campus accommodation and deduct this from your total maintenance. You cannot include rent payment for private property rent. If you have paid something you must show an original receipt (to be obtained from the Accommodation Service)
Student Immigration Service State your course fees as displayed on your CAS If you have already paid your fees please obtain an original receipt from the Student Finance Office
Student Immigration Service Please STOP here as an adviser will provide the CAS number during your appointment and will fill in the rest with you.
Key documents Student Immigration Service Your current passport and visa Two passport sized photographs Original certificates for degree qualifications (only if stated on your CAS) Financial proof ….. 42
5. Your Police Registration Certificate (if required) Student Immigration Service Student Immigration Service Key documents continued… 5. Your Police Registration Certificate (if required) 6. Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) Certificate (if required) Official translations and original documents – these must meet requirements and have the translator’s qualifications on them Photocopies of all documents 43
3. (£680 per month up to 9 months for dependants) Student Immigration Service Financial Proof Your tuition fees for one year (if you have already paid your fees please ask the Student Finance Office for a hard copy receipt) Maintenance £1,015 per month up to 9 months- £9,135. 3. (£680 per month up to 9 months for dependants) OR scholarship letter on headed paper and stamped (ask an adviser to check this will be acceptable). This must state that your sponsor has no objection to you continuing your studies in the UK. 44
Bank statement check (1): Student Immigration Service Bank statement check (1): Is the statement in English and in UK pounds? Is the statement in YOUR name? Is the account a cash account? NOT shares/investments/credit cards/bonds Is it a current or savings account? (Both are acceptable) Does the statement have the NAME and LOGO of the bank? Does the statement show THE ACCOUNT NUMBER on every page?
Bank statement check (2): Student Immigration Service Bank statement check (2): Is it an ORIGINAL document on headed paper? OR (if it is printed from an online account)- is there an official stamp on EVERY page? Does it include the date of issue? Will the money have been in the account for 28 days or more on the day you will apply for your visa? Is the date on the statement no more that 31 days before the date of your application? What is the lowest balance in this time period? Is it more than you need to show evidence of?
Bank statement check (3): Student Immigration Service Bank statement check (3): Lloyds Bank statements- Do NOT have the logo on them if they are printed in the branch. You will need to print out statements online and have every page stamped at the bank. Natwest - DO have the logo on them if they are printed in the branch but they will NOT stamp online accounts. Barclays - do not print from the machine in the city of Bath as this does not have the full account number. Please use the campus branch and ask for a UK visa bank statement on paper with the blue logo and stamped.