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Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveler should expect the unexpected. Adventure tourism is rapidly growing in popularity as tourists seek unusual holidays, different from the typical beach vacation. Mountaineering expeditions, trekking, bungee jumping, rafting and rock climbing are frequently cited as an examples of adventure tourism. Adventure Tourism
Who doesn't love the beach? The sun, sand, and waves are all a classic part of summer. Even though most of us are familiar with the beach, there's some really interesting science behind this summer treat that many may not know about. Technically, a beach is a narrow, usually gently sloping strip of land that borders a body of water, such as a lake or ocean. Beach Tourism
Honeymoons stem from a tradition dating back to the 5th century where newlyweds would drink mead, a honey- based alcohol, after their first "moon" together as a married couple. A honeymoon in Western countries typically begins a few days after the wedding ceremony: the couple spends a night or two after the ceremony in their home or in a hotel rather than add long distance travel to the end of their day. The trip itself is often a fortnight in length and can, of course, be longer if you like. Honeymoon Tour
Mountains have long held an appeal for people around the world. This book focusses on the diversity of perspectives, interaction and role of tourism within these areas. Providing a vital update to the current literature, it considers the interdisciplinary context of communities, the creation of mountain tourism experiences and the impacts tourism has on these environments. Including authors from Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America, the development, planning and governance issues are also covered. Honeymoon Tour