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Presentation transcript:

Intro Videos Please join us for videos until our session begins. Bible Study Playlist Intro Videos

Temples of the Holy Spirit “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) Temples of the Holy Spirit

Today’s Scripture Passages Exodus 20:1-17 – The Ten Commandments Catholic Connections – The Ten Commandments (BB p. 104) Psalm 19:8-11 – The Law of the Lord 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 – The Wisdom of God John 2:13-25 – Jesus Goes to the Temple

Heavenly Father, through these words help me understand the things you wish to teach me. Dear Jesus, through these words let me feel the love you have for me as you feel your Father’s love for you. Holy Spirit, through these words inspire me to live as a follower of Jesus and bring your love to everyone I meet today. Amen Opening Prayer

CateQuizEm: See how many questions you can answer correctly to win a prize! Activity

Question #1 Choose one This story takes place during which festival? Hanukkah Passover Purim Yom Kippur

Question #2 True or False? Jewish people travelled to Jerusalem at least once a year.

Question #3 True or False? The Temple Tax was used to provide for the poor and needy in the community.

Question #4 True or False? Only Roman coins could be used to pay the Temple tax.

Question #5 True or False? Jewish Law required animal sacrifices.

Question #6 True or False? God required the Jewish people to offer him animal sacrifices.

Question #7 True or False? Jewish people could perform animal sacrifices at any temple.

Question #8 True or False? Only Jewish people who lived in Jerusalem were required to pay the Temple Tax.

Question #9 True or False? Jewish people today do not practice animal sacrifice in their religion.

Choose all correct answers Question #10 Choose all correct answers We are created in the image and likeness of God. We are made up of a body and a soul. We are temples of the Holy Spirit.

Question #11 Multiple choice Which two sacraments cause the holy spirit to dwell in us: Holy Orders Matrimony Confirmation Baptism

Question #12 True or False? The people thought Jesus wanted to destroy the Jerusalem Temple.

Question #13 True or False? Jesus wanted to restore the Temple as a place of true worship.

Choose all correct answers Question #14 Choose all correct answers Which of the following does God require us to offer in sacrifice? Praise Animal Sacrifices Our Bodies Our Intentions Our Actions

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Visiting the Temple Today’s Gospel opens with this line, “Since the Passover of the Jews was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” 1 Jewish people were expected to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once a year during Passover to worship God.2

Temple Tax During their visit, they would pay the Temple Tax for the upkeep of the Temple.3 The money changers exchanged coins with faces of people or gods on them, for Tyrian coins, which had no images on them. It was forbidden to pay the Temple tax with effigy coins, such as Roman coins bearing Caesar’s image.4

Animal Sacrifice The people selling sheep, oxen, and doves supplied Temple-goers with animals to be ritually sacrificed, according to Mosaic Law. 5 Many people traveled great distances to the Temple and would purchase animals there instead of bringing them from home.

Ancient World In the ancient world, most nations worshiped their own god(s) and believed themselves to have a special claim on his favor.  They would offer animal sacrifices to their god(s). The Israelites had a mysterious God who called himself “I AM who AM” who tolerated no rivals.  Instead of ritual sacrifice, this God required fidelity to a code of conduct—The Ten Commandments— that reached into every aspect of their lives.6

Jerusalem Temple Ritual sacrifices were performed only at the Jerusalem Temple by the priests.7 People were expected to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once a year during Passover to offer sacrifice and pay the tax.8

Jerusalem Temple The Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, and the Jewish people fled the city under persecution. Both the Temple tax and animal sacrifice ended. To this day, the Jewish people no longer pay this tax or sacrifice animals.9

Temple Today The Temple in Jerusalem has never been rebuilt, but around that site now stands a sacred Muslim shrine called the Dome of the Rock, built between AD 687 and 691.

Image and Likeness of God The Book of Genesis says that we, as human beings, are created in the image and likeness of God and that God breathed life into us. We believe that human beings are made up of a body and a soul. We sometimes refer to our bodies and souls as temples of the Holy Spirit.10

Baptism During Baptism, the priest asks that the child be freed from original sin and declares that God will send the Holy Spirit to dwell within the child. The priest then anoints the child with oil called sacred chrism. The Holy Spirit then dwells within that child.

Confirmation Later, at Confirmation, the priest or bishop applies the sacred chrism a second time, an act that confirms or completes the initial baptismal anointing. In both cases, we truly become, and are, temples of the Holy Spirit, touched by God’s glory.11

Living Temples Because human beings were created in the image of God and our souls are animated by a spiritual soul, the whole human person is seen as the temple of the Holy Spirit or the Body of Christ.

The Body is a Temple In John 2:19, Jesus says, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Those who hear him think he is speaking about the recently restored Temple in Jerusalem, but Jesus is speaking about his own body as a temple, as a sacred dwelling place of God’s glory.12

Fulfilling God’s Plan Jesus does not come to destroy the temple, but to fulfill it (see Matthew 5:17) - to reveal its true purpose in God’s saving plan. He is the Lord the prophets said would come “to purify the temple, banish the merchants, and make it a house of prayer for all peoples.”13

Praise & Worship The God who made the heavens and the earth, who brought Israel out of slavery, does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands. God does not need offerings of oxen, sheep, or doves. We are to offer praise as our sacrifice by offering our bodies in imitation of Christ in all our intentions and actions, for the love of God and the love of others.14

“Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) Verse of the Day

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Intercessions Lord Jesus Christ, you are the law of love made flesh: may we who are your Body display your law through our actions. R: You have the words of everlasting life. Lord Jesus Christ, you are the priest of the new and eternal covenant of love: may we who are your people live in faithfulness to the covenant you have made. Lord Jesus Christ, you are our peace: may we who bear your name be bearers of your peace. You rose again in glory, we lift our hearts in praise.

Closing Prayer God who knows all things, You made us your children in the waters of our baptism. Keep us faithful to you by obeying your Son, Jesus, who lives with you, forever and ever. Amen Glory Be Closing Prayer