Cyber Security Types of Threats How an attack happens Protecting the Computer Protecting the Network Fun with Software
Pyramid of Pain Low Med High
Types of threats in 2010 MalWare (more on this later) Spam Exploits (more on this later)
Spam Mostly e-mal based Annoying Sent mostly by Zombie networks 7.7 Trillion spams sent from Brazil in 2009
Autonomy of a hack Recon Recon Recon Gaining a foot hold Extraction of information Getting Caught
Scary Fact Over 60% of those who are penetrated have it discovered by a 3rd party.
Protecting the Computer Firewalls are your friend Passwords, your friend and comforter Encryption.. Behold the power of... Wireless Telnet... Let all read along.
Protecting your network Firewalls, now with logging Proxy servers Labtop encryption Syslog Host Based intrusion detection (HIDS) SSH keys, SSL, X509, RSA, and others
Building A network The DMZ, not just for countries If you lose the war, try proxy in reverse IF you = BIG network, segment :) Proxy, because known where your boss goes is fun Hardening Standards
Hardening Standars CIS (Center for internet security)Benchmarks Many Operating systems and Applications
Fun with Software... Linux style Snort Need a Firewall, have some old hardware? That syslog thing we were talking about... That HIDS thing again
Snort IDS software Custom rules, many different rule sets Base = For more then 1 sensor See for more
Rsyslog Default Ubuntu Syslog system Avaliable for all Distros Logs to SQL anyone? Go log surfing with the web Need alerts? Try logsurfer
Hids Aide Checksums System files, e-mails you results Tripwire for the corporate types
Zenoss Monitors systems, lets you know when something goes down Also great for trending, makes boss approved reports
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