2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)
AHAR (2016) Orientation Overview of the Data Collection and Submission Process for the Annual Homeless Assessment Report
Agenda Overview of AHAR data scope, reporting categories and timelines Preparation for generating and submitting AHAR data Families and Singles in Shelters Families and Singles in TH Projects Families and Singles in PSH Projects
AHAR Data Reported HUD Report to Congress based on: Data Generated from HMIS . . . Housing Inventory Data Universal Data Elements Household Data Participating Program Types: Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing (excluding HARP/HCV unless supportive services are directly provided by the housing program). Data Entered on the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX)
AHAR Reporting Categories Unduplicated All Persons and Veterans-Only client data in the following program categories: ES–FAM: Persons in families served by Emergency Shelters ES–IND: Individuals served in Emergency Shelters TH–FAM: Persons in families served by Transitional Housing providers TH-IND: Individuals served in Transitional Housing programs PSH FAM and IND – Includes S+C; HARP (HCV) programs are not included unless supportive services are directly provided by housing program. Data Summary: Aggregate data from the reporting categories above.
AHAR 2016 Timelines Data Collection Period: 10/01/15 – 9/30/16 All Persons Data: Draft Submission – October 31, 2016 Final Deadline – December 1, 2016 [Extended to December 8, 2016] Veterans-Only Data: HUD Publication: ~ Spring/Summer 2017
About Coverage & Data Quality . . . Bed Coverage: CoCs must have at least 50% HMIS bed coverage in at least one AHAR reporting category Bed Utilization: Accurate provider bed counts and timely entry/exits for all clients served during the AHAR reporting period are essential . . . Missing entries result in an under-count of persons served; this and/or higher than accurate bed counts result in low bed utilization rates (65% or under = usability error on HDX) Missing exits exaggerate client counts; this and/or lower than accurate bed counts produce high bed utilization rates (105% or over = usability error) Data Completeness: High percentages of missing data can disqualify submission . . . Disability, veterans status and prior living situation are typical challenge areas Provider Pages: Missing or wrong program type codes will skew data pulling into reports and adversely affect client counts and bed utilization
Emergency Shelter Demographic Data ES Families ES Singles # of Persons 1563 (20% of hh’s contain 5 or more) 5573 # of Beds 272 795 % using more than 1 shelter 16% 28% Gender 95% female headed hh’s 85% adult males Race 94% black 87% black Turnover rate 5.75 7.01
Transitional Housing Demographic Data TH Families TH Singles # of Persons 410 1428 # of Beds 147 702 % using more than 1 TH unit 2% 3% Gender 97% female headed hh’s 78% adult males Race 95% black 81% black Turnover rate 2.8 2.03
Permanent Supportive Housing Demographic Data PSH Families PSH Singles # of Persons 731 1577 # of Beds 694 1261 % using more than 1 PSH unit 2% <1% Gender 84% female head of household 70% adult males Race 95% black 85% black Turnover rate 1.05 1.25
ES, TH & PSH Utilization Rates Highest rate in Jan & April 2016 – 96% Highest rate in July 2016 – 104% Highest rate in January 2016 – 96% Highest rate in July 2016 – 103%
ES - Age of Clients
TH - Age of Clients
PSH - Age of Clients
Disability Rates
Submission Results Singles Families ES (All Persons) Approved TH (All Persons) PSH (All Persons) ES (Veterans) TH (Veterans) PSH (Veterans) Summary
Questions?? Contact Information: Presentation: www.handetroit.org/hmis Detroit CoC AHAR Team: Tasha Gray – HAND Executive Director tasha@handetroit.org Selwin O’Neal – HMIS System Administrator selwin@handetroit.org Kiana Harrison – HMIS System Administrator kiana@handetroit.org Alexis Alexander – HMIS System Administrator alexis@handetroit.org Abt Associates – HDX Submission Support: Kristen Cummings kristen_cummings@abtassoc.com