Key Constitutional Principles


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Presentation transcript:

Key Constitutional Principles THE CONSTITUTION Key Constitutional Principles

Concept 1: Separation of Powers A way of dividing power among three branches of government in which members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the president, and the federal courts are selected by and responsible to different constituencies.

Concept 2: Checks and Balances A government structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions of the others

Concept 3: Federalism System of government in which power is divided between the national government and the state governments and in which independent states are bound together under one national government

Principles of the Constitution Federalism Why was this feature essential to include? How did this lead to the rise of political parties? Examples in the Constitution? How is the amendment process a good example?

The Amendment Process Proposal Ratification 2/3 of both Houses of Congress 3/4 of State Legislatures Constitution Amended 2/3 call a National Convention 3/4 of State Ratifying Conventions

Concept 4: Limited Government National Government May not violate the Bill of Rights May not impose export taxes among states May not use money from the Treasury without the passage and approval of an appropriations bill May not change state boundaries A type of government in which its functions and powers are written, limited, and restricted by law to protect the citizenry. State Government May not enter into treaties with other countries May not print money May not tax imports or exports May not Impair obligations of contracts May not suspend a person's rights without due process

Principles of the Constitution Limited Government Examples in the Constitution? Habeas corpus No Bill of Attainder No ex post facto law Trial by jury in criminal cases Full Faith & Credit clause No religious test for office Extradition

Concept 5: Popular Sovereignty Idea that the people have ultimate authority over our government. Voting Campaigning Running for office Canvassing Petitioning the government

Principles of the Constitution Popular Sovereignty Examples in the Constitution? House Examples of limits & mistrust? Restrictions on electorate Senate Electoral College Amendment Process

Concept 6: Judicial Review The power of the national judiciary to declare whether laws and actions are in violation of the Constitution. Power is implied through the Court’s power to interpret the laws. vs.

Principles of the Constitution Judicial Review Origins? Politics? How does this “Flow” with the Framers’ intentions? How does it aid democracy? How is this a limitation of democracy?

Principles of the Constitution Why include these Principles? Aristotelian view: Gov’t should improve human nature by cultivating virtue. Madisonian view: This type of Gov’t too strong & dangerous…self-interest must prevail with limits.

Cartoon #1 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Cartoon #2 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Cartoon #3 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Cartoon #4 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?