Best Practices in Peer Support November 16, 2017 Audio: (888) 537-7715 Participant Code 18666899# Press *6 to mute and unmute your phone.
Today’s Panelists Shannon Carr Austin Area Mental Health Consumers Anna Gray Janet Paleo Prosumers Tommy Higgs Depression Connection for Recovery Robin Peyson Communities for Recovery
The Via Hope Peer Run Organizations Project (PROP) Peer Run Organizations play a vital role in a recovery-oriented behavioral health system. Since 2012, Via Hope has coordinated projects that support Consumer Operated Service Providers (COSPs) and related peer-run organizations. The Peer Run Organizations Project is designed to help leaders of peer run organizations strengthen organizational capacities, engage in sustainability planning, and build alliances through training, technical assistance and intentional networking. PROP works with two types of peer run organizations.
Consumer Operated Service Providers Independent—the entity is administratively controlled and operated by mental health consumers. Autonomous—decisions about governance, fiscal, personnel, policy, and operational issues are made by the program. Accountable—responsibility for decisions rests with the program. Consumer controlled—the governance board is at least 51 percent mental health consumers. Peer workers— staff and management are individuals who have received mental health services Consumer Operated Service Providers
Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) RCO's respect and support ALL pathways of recovery. The majority of their board, staff and volunteers are in recovery from alcohol and/or other drug addiction. RCO's routinely engage people in recovery, their families, and other stakeholders in a PARTICIPATORY process of program decision-making and conducting activities. RCO's are grassroots programs/organizations and are active in their communities. The mission statement of an RCO focuses on addiction recovery.
Current Participating Organizations Amarillo Area Mental Health Consumers Austin Area Mental Health Consumers Cherokee County Peer Support Group Cornerstone Quarters Depression Connection for Recovery The Hope Center MHA of Abilene Prosumers River City Advocacy Association of Persons Affected by Addiction Center for Wellness and Recovery Resources Communities for Recovery Joy Community Development Co. JumpStart One World Recovery Network Ultimate Changes, Inc. Voices to Be Heard Winners Circle Peer Support Network
Next Steps for Via Hope Continued support of PROP Planning for peer leadership gathering in the next fiscal year to support Peer Voice Project and PROP participants and alumni as well as other peer leaders who want to start programs and organizations Develop resources and as needed consultation for peer run organizations
Let’s meet our panelists! Your name and role at your organization Location of your organization Services you provide, other fun facts!
Shannon Carr Austin Area Mental Health Consumers
Anna Gray and Janet Paleo Prosumers
Tommy Higgs Depression Connection for Recovery
Robin Peyson Communities for Recovery
Discussion Questions How was your organization founded and how are you funded?
Discussion Questions What do you think are the benefits of a peer run organizations to the people they serve? What do folks get out of participating in a peer run organization that's different than traditional clinical services? What makes peer run organizations unique?
Discussion Questions Any words of wisdom of people who are interested in starting their own program or organization?
Q&A Please feel free to ask any other questions or add any comments you might have
Resources SAMHSA COSP Toolkit (The Evidence) SAMHSA COSP Toolkit (Building your program) SAMHSA COSP Toolkit (Evaluating your program-includes the FACIT) Faces and Voices of Recovery RCO Toolkit
Thank you for joining us! Our next session will be on Thursday, January 18th 2018 (we take the month of December off for Best Practices in Peer Support)