NS2 (and possible directions for mobile routing simulation) Kevin Fall kfall@ee.lbl.gov NS2 is the simulation vehicle for the VINT project: USC/ISI: Deborah Estrin, Mark Handley, John Heideman, Ahmed Helmy, Polly Huang, Satish Kumar, Kannan Varadhan, Daniel Zappala LBNL: Kevin Fall, Sally Floyd UCBerkeley: Elan Amir, Steve McCanne Xerox PARC: Lee Breslau, Scott Shenker VINT is currently funded by DARPA through mid-1999
ns2 (UC Berkeley, LBNL) Discrete-event C++ simulation engine scheduling, timers, packets Split Otcl/C++ object “library” protocol agents, links, nodes, classifiers, routing, error generators, traces, queuing, math support (random variables, integrals, etc) separate visualization tool used on many UNIXes, tested on Windows
Supported Components Protocols: tcp (2modes + variants), udp, ip, rtp/rtcp, SRM, 802.3 MAC, 802.11 MAC Routing global topology map, classifiers static unicast, dynamic unicast (distance-vector), multicast Queueing and packet scheduling FIFO/drop-tail, RED, CBQ, WRR, DRR, SFQ Topology: nodes, links Failures: link errors/failures
Node Model
Link Model Links are simplex Implemented as compound objects: queue, ttl checker (for IP), link delay element
Routing Interface Strategies: Parameters: static (precomputed) session (on-demand static) dynamic (DV for now) Parameters: link up/down times costs preference discriminator among routing protocols
Routing Architecture
Routing Architecture Components RouteLogic: global container for routing protocols, forwarding table and static routing implementation rtObject: per-node dispatcher to dynamic protocol agents rtProto: dynamic protocol agents (e.g. per-node) rtPeer: container for per-peer state, maintained by rtProto agents
Relevance to MANET Dynamic link failures can model topology changes Modular routing structure easily extended IP-style multicast routing already present Rich multiprotocol simulation environment New work: VINT “emulation” w/live networks
Additional Information Web pages: http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns http://netweb.usc.edu/vint http://www.ito.darpa.mil/Summaries96/E247--USC_ISI.html http://www.ito.darpa.mil/Summaries97/E243_0.html Mailing list: majordomo@mash.cs.berkeley.edu “subscribe ns-users”