Arizona School for the Arts IRAQ Andrea Kolich Eastern Cultures Arizona School for the Arts
The Topography of Iraq
Land Use
Oil Fields in Iraq
Ethnic Groups in Iraq
Mesopotamia An ancient region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000 B.C. Home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria.
Fertile Crescent: A region of the Middle East from the Nile Valley to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The Evolution of Writing Sumerians invented the earliest known form of writing called cuneiform Using a reed pen to make wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. Cuneiform is from the Latin word for wedge. Sumerian scribes went through years of difficult schooling to acquire their skills.
The Babylonians Invented the idea of a circle containing 360 degrees and the hour containing sixty minutes
Hammurabi’s Code This was the first time a ruler attempted to solidify all of the laws that would govern a state. He had artisans carve nearly 300 laws on a stone pillar for all to see.
Hammurabi’s Code Criminal laws dealt with offenses against others. Hammurabi’s Code limited personal vengeance and encouraged social order. Civil Law dealt with private rights and matters, such as business contracts, marriage, taxes, and divorce. Much of Hummurabi’s Code was designed to protect the powerless.
Sunni Ottomans vs Shia Safavids Ottoman Rule (1533-1918)
British Invasion Ottoman Empire weakening during WWI In 1914 signed treaty with Germany Secured 3 provinces by 1918
Iraq under Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916
Key Terms Pan-Arab movement Economic Sanctions Mandates Bureaucrats Coup Occupation Relied Supplies Combatants Social Welfare
Background: The Constitutional Monarchy
Revolts 1920-21 Iraqis angered about going from Ottoman occupation to British occupation Shia & Sunnis joined together to fight British Thousands of Iraqis killed Hundreds of British killed Forced treaty
Faisal, 1st King of Iraq Created by the British in 1921 from three Ottoman provinces – Mosul, Baghdad, & Basra. Prince Faisal from Arabia becomes king. Iraq gains formal independence in 1932.
Birth of a Nation Britain leaves 2 airbases Britain continues to have oil interest Iraq joins league of nations in 1932 Minorities excluded from government: Rural, Shia, poor, Kurds
Iraq in the Inter-War Era British maintained military bases. The Iraq Petroleum Co. created (a joint British, French, & American business). Iraqi oil helped the Allies during WW II.
British Occupation 1941 Weak monarchy Pan Arabism Seven military coups between 1936-1941. Iraq engages in negotiations with Axis powers(Germany, Italy, Japan) British occupy Iraq in 1941 increase authoritarianism.
1958 Revolution Violent overthrow of the monarchy by Iraqi military officers Reaction to signing the Middle East Treaty Organization Dictatorship under President Abd al-Karim Qasim (prime minister) Creation of the Republic of Iraq Friendly relations with USSR
Iraq Under Qasim Dictatorship under Abd al-Karim Qasim Arab nation-Islam official religion “Iraq first policy” Formed alliance with Communist Party Created communist-controlled militia, the People's Resistance Force Created a constitution with Revolutionary Council representing 3 ethnic groups: Kurds, Sunni, Shia Constitution granted freedom: race, nationality language or religion Freed Kurds Created housing in Baghdad for middle/lower class RE-wrote constitution to include women
Iraq Under Qasim Wants to nationalize oil Wants to get rid of western influence Withdraws from Baghdad Pact (agreement in 1955 with by Iran,Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom to stop Soviet influence in Middle East Law no. 90-seized 99% of land from British Petroleum Co. As a result of this attempt, OPEC was created in 1960 Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
Iraq Under Qasim Divisions about course for country Some support UAR-United Arab Republic led by Nasser (Syria & Egypt) Qasim supported Communist party Wants to annex Kuwait Kurds revolt-want to separate Assassination attempts (Saddam Hussein)
What does this remind you of?
1963 & 1968 Coups 1952 Arab Socialist Baath Party created. 1963 Ramadan Revolution-Qasim would not join UAR, stop communism Baath party coup-takes over government with help from the CIA. CIA wants to reduce Soviet influence in Iraq 1968 Baath Party coup led by Major General Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr. His deputy was Saddam Hussein.
The Rise & Rule of Saddam Hussein
Pop Quiz-10 pts List 2 ways Saddam’s regime chooses to strike fear into the common Iraqi populace. What are some reasons Iranian citizens can be beaten, tortured, or killed? Who did the Baath party get inspiration from? Describe the role of video media during Hussein's reign. What did Saddam do five days after he took power? What role did U.S. play in the Iran/Iraq war? What tragic event took place within the Kurd city of Halabja? What is the U.S. Involvement with this? Why did Hussein attack Iran? Why did Hussein attack Kuwait?
Key Terms Containments No-fly zone Sanctions Infrastructure Liberation Neo-conservatism Capitalism Doctrine Deterrence Unilateral Preemptive
A Young Saddam Hussein (1937 - ?) Born in Tikrit. Peasant family with influential army relatives. Tribal society. Joined Baath Party at 20. Aided in failed assassination of Qasim in 1959. Saddam’s identity card when he was 10 years old.
Saddam’s Early Political Career After 1963 coup, he was put in charge of the security service for the Baath party. 1979 he became president of Iraq when al-Bakr was persuaded to step down. Saddam at 17.
A Cult of Personality
A Cult of Personality 1989 Victory Arch Iran-Iraq War
Saddam’s Republican Guard The elite presidential security force.
Gassing the Kurds: 1988 Halabjah
Ali Hasa al-Majid (“Chemical Ali”) I will kill them [the Kurds] all with chemical weapons!
A Reign of Terror: Mass Graves of Saddam’s Victims
The Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)
Iraq Invades Kuwait August 2, 1990 Needs money after war UN Security Council Resolution 678 (authorized military force to be used against Iraq.)
“Operation Desert Storm”
General Norman Schwarzkopf U. S. Military Leaders General Colin Powell General Norman Schwarzkopf
Range of Iraqi Missiles
Saddam Lobs SCUD Missiles Israel & Saudi Arabia: Kills American Troops in Saudi Arabia
Kuwait is Liberated
“Highway of Death”
400 Iraqi Oilfields on Fire An environmental disaster!
Containment (1991-20)
Part II 2. What were the 3 main methods of containment?
Military-U. N. No-Fly Zones
Economic-Sanctions United Nations Security Council resolution 661, The Council therefore decided that states should prevent: the import of all products and commodities originating in Iraq or Kuwait; any activities by their nationals or in their territories that would promote the export of products originating in Iraq or Kuwait, as well as the transfer of funds to either country for the purposes of such activities; the sale of weapons or other military equipment to Iraq and Kuwait, excluding humanitarian aid; the availability of funds or other financial or economic resources to either country, or to any commercial, industrial or public utility operating within them, except for medical or humanitarian purposes.
Part II 3. Describe the negative effects of sanction on the Iraqi society?
Effects of Sanctions Food shortages Outbreak of disease-Cholera, typhoid High unemployment No School for children 2 million fled Crime 500,000 children dead Iraqis blamed UN and U.S.
The Iraq War (2003-2011)
Key Terms Crimes against humanity Insurgency Fundamentalist Ethnic cleansing Trade Union Displaces “brain drain” Refugee
Part II 6.Which countries did President Bush label the “Axis of Evil”? 8. List three reasons Bush admin supported war in Iraq
Reasons for Going to War Against Saddam (according to the U. S Reasons for Going to War Against Saddam (according to the U. S. and Britain) Saddam kicked out U.N. weapons inspectors. WMDs Weapons of Mass Destruction. Saddam did not obey the No-Fly Zone limitations. US claimed there was a 9/11 connection w/ al Qaeda He was a savage dictator. Stop Saddam before he can launch nuclear missiles against Israel, Europe, or even the United States.
Bush Doctrine Axis of evil-Iran, Iraq and North Korea Must prevent terrorism Aluminum tubes Uranium from Niger Drones Chemical & Biological Weapons al Qaeda
Part II 11. Why did many military officials criticize plans for an invasion? 12. List 3 reasons why some people criticized invasion. 13. Support of war and 9/11
Part II 6.Which countries did President Bush label the “Axis of Evil”? 8. List three reasons Bush admin supported war in Iraq
The Media
The Media
Support for the War- Coalition of the Willing U.S.* Great Britain* Australia Poland* Portugal Italy Israel Japan * Send troops Against France Germany Russia Mexico All Africa Most Middle East UN will NOT authorize US led war
Coalition forces attack Baghdad (again). “Shock & Awe!” Coalition forces attack Baghdad (again).
PART III What did US troops accomplish during first three weeks of invasion?
Map showing Advance
Anti-War Protestors
The Dictator is “Toppled” 3 weeks
“Mission Accomplished” President George W. Bush lands on board the USS Abraham Lincoln (May, 2003)
Saddam Is Captured! December 14, 2003
PART III 2. In wake of invasion, what did US officials claim about WMD & links to 9/11?
Did the US find WMD? None found No link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda
The Occupation
PART III 3. What is the CPA? Why did Iraqis criticize it?
Interim-CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) De-Baathification Army Police Government Hired private American companies to rebuild Iraq Few Iraqis hired for reconstruction Opened economy foreign powers
An Interim Iraqi Government is Created (June, 2004) Prime Minister Allawi Interim Prime Minister: 2004-2005 Shia Muslim
Elections-January 2005 Nouri al-Maliki: Prime Minister 2006-2014 Shia Muslim Leader of Islamic Dawa Party
Former Baathists and foreign terrorists (Al-Qaida, etc.) A Growing Insurgency Former Baathists and foreign terrorists (Al-Qaida, etc.)
PART III 6. What were some of the major concerns of the Sunni Arab militants?
The Insurgency CPA’s Economic/political failure did not meet everyday needs of people Made up of Sunni Arabs from Baath party who did not have work Resisted violence from Shia majority in power
Divisions in Iraq Increased tension between Sunni, Shia, Kurds Increase in violence among militant fundamentalist groups on both sides Al-Qaeda in Iraq-moves in during chaos
PART III 7. Death toll?
100,000-1,000,000 Iraqis Dead
? Iraqis Wounded!
Effects of War Political- Still small number of elites in charge Shia Muslims in charge Economic- CPA cut taxes on imports, businesses collapsed Rampant corruption Brian Drain Health- 100,000-1 million dead Hospitals damaged Lack of safe drinking water
PART III 8. Refugees? Internal? External? 9. Treatment of women?
Effects of War 2.4 million refugees 2.7 internally displaced Human Rights Religious /ethnic minorities increase violence Refugees 2.4 million refugees 2.7 internally displaced Women’s Rights Fundamentalist leaders restrict women No longer going to school Harassment Honor killings Artifacts War destroyed Stolen 25% ancient books, texts destroyed
PART III 10. What was Abu Ghraib?
The Scandal at Abu Ghraib Prison
PART III 12. What is PTSD? 13. What is financial cost? 14. How did war affect foreign relations?
Impact to US Economy War cost over a trillion dollars (estimated at $50-60 billion) Foreign Relations Rejected idea of international cooperation Turkey views as unpopular Increase in terrorism Veterans 200,000+ cases PTSD 18 suicides a day from vets Domestic violence up 177% Sexual assault tripled Divorce rates high
5000+ American Casualties
32,000+ Americans Wounded
One of many female soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq. Capt. Dawn Halfaker One of many female soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq.
Terror Attacks in Iraq
Terror Attacks in Middle East
Conclusion War lasted from 2003-2011 Still have personnel in Iraq ~ 20,000 Death toll unknown- estimates: 500,000- 1 million Total causalities unknown- estimates for U.S. 970,000 disability claims with VA Costs 4.4 trillion dollars