Latin and Greek Roots Blue 36 “bene” means good or well “ mal” means bad “ante” means before “post” means after
Noun: A person who is dissatisfied and rebellious Noun: A person who is dissatisfied and rebellious. Adjective: Dissatisfied and complaining or making trouble. Synonyms: discontented - disgruntled - dissatisfied - malcontent
Noun: A person who gives money or other help to a person or cause Noun: A person who gives money or other help to a person or cause. Synonyms: patron - donor This Somalian doctor has been a _________ to thousands in Somalia. (There is a large article about her in the StarTribune April 27, 2013) benefactor
Verb: Cause to arrange for (something) to take place at a time later, or after, first scheduled. Synonyms: defer - delay - put off - adjourn - hold over postpone
Adjective: Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm: "malicious rumors". Synonyms: malevolent - spiteful - vicious - malignant - wicked malicious
Adjective: Depressing; dreary, (of a person or a mood) Gloomy Adjective: Depressing; dreary, (of a person or a mood) Gloomy. Synonyms: gloomy - sad - dreary - cheerless – somber dismal
Relating to the morning, a.m. ante meridian
Adjective: Ineffective or bungling; clumsy Adjective: Ineffective or bungling; clumsy. Synonyms: clumsy - awkward - gauche - gawky - ungainly - unskilful maladroit
Verb: (of a piece of equipment or machinery) Fail to function normally or satisfactorily Noun: A failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner: "a computer malfunction” malfunction
Adjective: Nearer the front, esp Adjective: Nearer the front, esp. situated in the front of the body, or nearer to the head or forepart. Synonyms: previous - prior – former - fore - front anterior
Adjective: Further back in position; of or nearer the rear or hind end Adjective: Further back in position; of or nearer the rear or hind end. Noun: A person's bottom. Synonyms: adj.- subsequent - hind - rear - back - after - noun. backside – rear - rump - behind - bottom - bum posterior
Adjective: Occurring or existing before a particular war, esp Adjective: Occurring or existing before a particular war, esp. the American Civil War. Synonyms: prewar antebellum
adj. 1. Occurring or done after death. 2 adj.1. Occurring or done after death. 2. Of or relating to a medical examination of a dead body. n.1. See autopsy. postmortem
Noun: The utterance or bestowing of a blessing, esp Noun: The utterance or bestowing of a blessing, esp. at the end of a religious service. -Saying something good benediction
Severe parasitic-disease of tropics spread by infected Anopheles mosquito. malaria
Writing added to a letter after it has been signed, P.S. postscript
Noun: The intention or desire to do evil; ill will Noun: The intention or desire to do evil; ill will. Wrongful intention, esp. as increasing the guilt of certain offenses. Synonyms: spite - malevolence - rancour - rancor - Malice
Occurring or existing after a war, in particular the American Civil War. Synonyms: postwar postbellum
Adjective: Well meaning and kindly (of an organization) Serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose. Synonyms: charitable - kind - benign - benignant - kindly benevolent
After noon – p.m. post meridian
Verb: Precede in time; come before (something) in date Verb: Precede in time; come before (something) in date. Indicate that (a document or event) should be assigned to an earlier date. antedate
Adjective: Favorable or advantageous; resulting in good Adjective: Favorable or advantageous; resulting in good. Of or relating to rights, other than legal title. Synonyms: profitable, advantageous, useful, wholesome Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is ________ to your health. beneficial
Noun: An advantage or profit gained from something Noun: An advantage or profit gained from something. Verb: Receive an advantage; profit; gain benefit
Adjective: Having or showing a wish to do evil to others Adjective: Having or showing a wish to do evil to others. Synonyms: malicious - malignant - ill-disposed - spiteful - vicious Malevolent
Noun: A person who commits a crime or some other wrong Noun: A person who commits a crime or some other wrong. Synonyms: criminal - felon - evildoer - wrongdoer - villain Malefactor