What we will do What we will learn 10C 04 Paenga-Whāwhā 2017 Quick quiz and preliminaries How to start well Write down what adaptations are and how they help survival of the individual/species What adaptations are and how they help a species survive Googlise what genetic engineering is and write down some of the advantages and disadvantages Why humans have to think hard before doing what is possible – as it might not be wise Set a date for the End Of Topic Test That everyone deserves the right to get more than the zero they have now
HW item Skills practiced HW booklet pages on skeletal system, muscles and joints, blood and heart, circulatory system Pages 1 - 8 Due Thursday 16th of March 2017 Time management Knowledge of three systems in the body HW booklet pages 9 – 18: circulatory, breathing and digestive systems. Due Tuesday 21st of March 2017 End Of Topic Test: Humans and Reproduction Due Thursday 6th of April 2017 All of Humans and Reproduction
An individual containing two different forms of the gene. Word Meaning Dominant An allele which controls what an organism looks like. (The more powerful message of the two possible) Recessive Only shows up when there are two of these. (The weaker of the two possible – so it shows up when the other one is missing) Homozygous Containing two identical forms of the same gene. (Both dominant or both recessive) Heterozygous An individual containing two different forms of the gene. Allele Different forms of a gene. Genotype The genetic make-up of an individual. The “type-o’-gene”. i.e. is it heterozygous, homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive? Phenotype The physical characteristics of an individual. “Phenotype” is “the TYPE of PHENOmenon”. i.e. – what shows up. This is where I add a wee note to help me with the presentation
For this breed of dog, long hair (H) is dominant of short hair (h) After mating, Jeanny produces six pups Jimmy (hh – short hair) Jeanny (HH – long hair) Draw up a Punnett square to predict the hair length of the pups.
For this breed of dog, long hair (H) is dominant of short hair (h) After mating, Jeanny produces six pups Jimmy (hh – short hair) Jeanny (HH – long hair) Draw up a Punnett square to predict the hair length of the pups. Write down what the phenotype and the genotype are for the pups
For this breed of dog, long hair (H) is dominant of short hair (h) After mating, Jeanny produces six pups Jimmy (hh – short hair) Jeanny (Hh – long hair) Draw up a Punnett square to predict the hair length of the pups. Write down what the phenotype and the genotype are for the pups
Cystic Fibrosis This is a genetic disease that is passed on when a baby gets TWO copies of the recessive gene. It is normally fatal, with few living past their 30s. If we use: F = healthy f = cystic fibrosis then: FF = homozygous dominant. Does not have CF & cannot pass it on Ff = heterozygous. Does not have CF but CAN pass it on fF = heterozygous. Does not have CF but CAN pass it on ff = homozygous recessive. DOES have CF and CAN pass it on too. heterozygous people are called “carriers”
A Mum is healthy and IS a carrier. Blood tests have figured this out A Mum is healthy and IS a carrier. Blood tests have figured this out. She marries a man who is the same, i.e. is healthy but is also a carrier and they decide to have kids. What are the chances a baby will have CF? What are the chances a baby will be healthy but a carrier? What are the chances a baby will be healthy but not be a carrier? Use a Punnett square to figure out the answers.