Memento Analysis By Clodagh Browne
Memento Introduction Throughout this PowerPoint I will be analysing the opening two minutes of the film Memento(2000) which is from the thriller genre I will be identifying the use of a micro-analysis of the four main technical codes which are: Mise-en-scene Sound Camera Editing I will also be analysing the use of the typography in the opening two minutes of the film and how it conveys the thriller genre.
Plot Summary A memory inside a memory, Memento is a complicated head spinning adventure. Leonard is determined to avenge his wife's murder. However, unable to remember anything that happens day-to-day due to a condition he sustained, short term memory loss, he has to write himself note after note that still don't mean anything after he falls asleep. The film goes back in time to reveal each little bit of the puzzle as he tries to find out the person who killed his wife and makes the audience feel just as confused as he is. The narrative closely follows a phone call Pearce has in which he talks about Sammy Jankis a former client of his who he believed had the same condition. The film takes an unexpected twist as the two characters have a lot more in common than is initially put across.
Mise-en-scene Low-key lighting is used in the opening sequence of ‘Memento’ in order to create a dark dangerous atmosphere this is because characters are seen to be venerable in dark lighting as they cannot see what is happening and are therefore at a disadvantage. Also during the opening sequence you are able to recognise the wedding ring of the protagonist which connotes a backstory.
Sound The non-diegetic soundtrack thats played during the opening builds up during the title sequence. It begins slow and quiet and varies from high pitch to a low pitch. The sound of violin cords which are long and slow which cause the auience to feel a sense of sadness and greif even before knowing whats happened. The soundtrack becomes a higher ptch towards the end of the sequence to convey that it has reached the climax and something will happen. The sudden diegetic sound of the gunshot towards the end of the sequence creates shock and creates the audience to feel intrigued and want to carry on watching to find out who got shot and why.
Editing The opening sequence of Memento is show in reverse which shows the character getting shot leading in the audience asking questions. These questions are prompted by extreme close-ups of the objects. The director reveals to the audience the sequence in reverse to show the assassin is thinking back to the event therefore giving the audience a clear understanding. The editing also involves non linear narration. The director does this to to make the audience question why it happened. Also the use of slow pace editing portrays to the audience that the killer is very calm whilst killing.
Typography During the opening sequence of memento the colour of the font contrasts with the background which as a result disorientates the audience as they don’t know where to focus. In addition the titling repeatedly fades in and out which imitates the action of the Polaroid. The spacing between the films name empasises its significance to other titles(different font and colour) Also the titling hinders the shot which creates to futher questioning. Furthermore it appears like a home-movie which again adds to the idea of a memento.