THE PROPHET KING Fill in the blanks: In the story of Prophet Dawood we learn many lessons. One of the most important lessons is perfectly said by Prophet Muhammad. ‘ The strong believer is ______ and more beloved than a _______believer, but both have goodness in them…….”
Prophet Dawood is a descendant of Prophet ________ the descendant of Prophet Ibraheem a.s.
Describe Prophet Dawood.
What was the promise of King Talut for the one who would kill Jalut?
How did Prophet Dawood a. s How did Prophet Dawood a.s. thank Allah the Greatest for making him able to kill Jalut?
Allah the Highest Honored Dawood by giving him the Zaboor. What is Zaboor?
Prophet Dawood a. s. was known for the most beautiful voice Prophet Dawood a.s. was known for the most beautiful voice. Who would join in when he used to recite Zaboor and glorify Allah the Almighty?
Abdullah bn Amr narrates that Rasoolullah s. a. s Abdullah bn Amr narrates that Rasoolullah s.a.s. had said ‘The best fasting is that of prophet Dawood a.s and the best prayer is that of Dawood a.s., because he slept half of the ________ and stood for prayer for the third of it and then slept ________part of it, And he used to __________ one day and break it on the other.
Prophet Dawood was given Miracles, mention some.
Prophet Dawood is known for his wisdom in judgment, but to reach to that Allah The All knowing tought him through tests and trials. What lesson do we learn from the story the two man (angels)who came complaining to Prophet Dawood a.s.
What is an Israelite Tale?
What is the false tale that Jewish tell about Prophet Dawood a.s.?
At what age did prophet Dawood a.s. died?
Surat-us-saff Surat-us-Saff was delivered to Prophet Muhammad while he was in Madinah. What is the reason of revelation?
Allah the Greatest is the creator and the sustainer of whatever is in Earth and the 7 Heavens. What do His creation do, to show their thankfulness and Gratitude towards their Creator?
What are the three signs of a hypocrite?
According to the Hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, Prophet ________s. a According to the Hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, Prophet ________s.a.s. said : The worst of people is the one who has _______ personalities. He appears in one Personality and to others in an _________ personality.
What is the proper meaning of Jihad?
Success in any kind of Jihad is dependant on strong team work Success in any kind of Jihad is dependant on strong team work. In Ayah 4, Allah the Almighty says that He likes those who fight in His cause in organized ranks like ____ ______ _______.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.s is given the Devine guidance, The Holy Quran, Prophet Isa a.s was given Injeel (Bible) Prophet Musa was given Tawrat Prophet Dawood was given Zaboor. In what Holy book was given the news of the future Prophet (Muhammad s.a.s) and what was he mentioned as?
What is the meaning of ‘Ahmad’?
What is the meaning of ‘Muhammad’?
Which religion is the fastest growing religion and why?
How can we help in spreading the religion of Allah the Almighty?
The end May Allah guide us in His right path. What is the word in Arabic for “right path”