Mrs. Marisa Groom 1st grade FSUS Sept. 7, 2017
Science & Social Studies 7:55–8:30 Arrival & A.M. Work 8:30-9:30 ELA 9:30–10:00 Centers 10:00-10:20 Lunch 10:20-10:45 D.E.A.R 10:45-11:30 P.E. 11:30-12:40 Math 12:40-1:00 Recess & Snack 1:00-1:30 Science & Social Studies 1:30-1:45 Pack up & Read Aloud 1:45-2:30 Special Area 2:35 Dismissal
Our 5 Classroom Rules: Follow directions quickly Raise your hand for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Make smart choices Keep your dear teacher happy
-come to school each day -get turned into purple crate Lunch boxes -to be hung in hallway D.O.G Binders -come to school each day -get turned into purple crate -parents should be checking at least 3x a week Signals -raised hand, pencil – water-bathroom signals
Given Monday’s and due Friday’s (math from workbooks, spelling, reading, flipped lessons) Begins the week of Sept. 11 Take Go Math! Workbook home this evening -learn more about all homework assignments in Mrs. Cloud’s room at 6:00 & 6:25
-Math (70% tests/30% classwork or quiz) Grades -Math (70% tests/30% classwork or quiz) -ELA (10% x 3 spelling, phonics, sight words/40% comprehension/30% writing) -Science (100%) -Social Studies (100%) -Study Skills (25% x 4) -Citizenship (100%)
Students arriving between 7 – 7:55 go to cafeteria 7:55 – 8:00 come straight to class 8:01 is tardy (picked up early is called a “tardy”) Must have a large car tag to match to backpack tag to pick up in afternoons. 2:45 – 3:15. After 3:15 students go to EDEP. learn more about the student code of conduct in Ms. Hill’s room at 6:50 & 7:15
Field Trips(Painted Pony, Imax, Bowling, YAT) -must be cleared through school to be at trip) Volunteering (email me when you’re free!) Library (during centers or recess time the next day) Snack (check calendar…feel free to bring your own) Birthdays and invitations to parties (NO CUPCAKES! Invites for all or all boys or all girls) Clinic (free to go whenever a need arises) Conference Night -time: 9/28/17 3:00-6:30PM -sign up sheet: by the door
Curriculum Night 6:00 - 7:35 Please see your “map” of curriculum night. Report to the assigned room at the assigned time. There is a 5 min time frame for transitions. Thank you for coming!!!