Awards, Rewards and Recognitions Because Family Matters! Best Practices Awards, Rewards and Recognitions Because Family Matters!
Promoting & Rewarding Pride & Excellence Scratch Offs Saber Coins Wheel of Fortune Crew of the Month Supervisor Excellence Award Safe Work Hour Celebration Company Picnic Brookshire Scholarship
Scratch Off Ticket: Instant Recognition On the spot recognition for going above and beyond normal work duties and working safely in the process. Awarded by Superintendents, Area Captains, PMT Members & the Safety Department. Under the gold dot is a number that correlates to a prize which gets redeemed by the employee.
Scratch Off Tickets Instant Recognition
Saber coins A Saber Coin is an award which distinguishes S & B Craftsmen at a project level. Supervision from General Foreman and above may nominate a Foreman or below for this award . The recipient is awarded the coin amongst all their peers at the weekly mass safety meetings.
Saber Coins
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Crew of the Month Is and award that is given to crew that has achieves the best score based on Absenteeism, First aids, Incidents or near misses, POP program participation, Productivity and Quality. They get to leave early for the month, lunch with upper management, a crew of the month hat, and a group picture with a crew of the month certificate.
May 2016 Crew of the Month Crew of the Month
Supervisors Excellence Awards The Supervisors Excellence Award is a great tribute to S & B supervisors. It is awarded 4 times a year at the project level with an overall company award winner announced annually at the company picnic. Each project selects a Gold, Silver, and Bronze award winner per period receiving FR clothing and S & B trophy with the designation. Quarterly gold award winners from each project shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Corporate Supervisors Excellence Award Committee at the end of the year for the selection of the annual Supervisors Excellence Award winners. The annual honors shall consist of a gold, silver and bronze award.
Supervisors Excellence Awards
Safety milestones CELEBRATED with food & prizes.
Brookshire Scholarship The scholarship is offered to children, grandchildren, and step-children of all S&B employees. A one year Scholarship and can be reapplied for each year and range from $3,000 - $15,000 each. S&B awarded 54 scholarships for the 2015-2016 season totaling $622,000.
Brookshire Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016
Brookshire Scholarship Recipients Direct Hires
Awards, Rewards and Recognitions Because Family Matters! Best Practices Awards, Rewards and Recognitions Because Family Matters!