Welcome to BMES Meeting 1 9/6/17
President Jacob Rodenbusch Track 2 Senior Formerly VP Finance Design Comp Co-Chair, Case Comp Committee Industry Bound
Vice President of Internal Affairs Rishabh Shah Track 2 Senior Previously SEC Representative, Vice Chair of Case Comp Worked in the Peppas Lab Premed
Vice President of External Affairs Spoorthi Krishnaraj Track 3 Junior Previously VP Internal Internship at Cisco Systems UAB junior representative Froyo swirling ninja
Vice President of Relations Karl Solomon Previously VP Finance Software Engineering Co-op at St. Jude Medical Formerly Undergraduate Research Assistant in Zoldan Lab Track 3
Vice President of Finance Jared Moon From Austin Track IDK – Sophomore Research Assistant Diller Lab Pre-med...
Vice President of Operations Saumya Lohia Track 3 Sophomore Undergraduate Assistant in Biomedical Informatics Lab Case Comp Committee Member
SEC Representative Marianne Reyes Track 1 – 3rd Year Case Comp Committee Vice Chair Design Comp Committee Co-Chair Summer - Tech Consulting in the Philippines
Pre-Med Coordinator Sumarth Mehta Track 2 Senior Previously VP Operations, Design Comp Co-Chair Summer: research + applying to medical school
Pre-Med Society Events: Lecture Series Mentorship Community Kickoff: Next BMES general meeting Wednesday 9/20, 7 pm Dr. Gail Eckhardt, Director of Dell's Livestrong Cancer Institute Leadership: Sumarth Mehta, BMES Pre-med Coordinator Franz Belz, DMS Liaison Alex Dumitru, DMS Liason Events: Lecture Series Mentorship Timeline Info Session Application Info Session One-on-one Mentoring Community Coffee socials
Freshman SEC Representative One of You! Email texasbmes@gmail.com if you’re interested! Responsibilities Go to SEC Meetings Help with E-Week festivities!!!!
Freshmen UAB Representative Intermediary between the BME department and students Website: https://sites.utexas.edu/bmeuab Applications: tinyurl.com/uabrep DEADLINE TO APPLY: Sept 15th at 8pm
BME Mentorship Upperclassmen Mentor paired with Underclassmen Mentees Help give guidance and help to younger classes Socials throughout the year Sign Up: https://tinyurl.com/bmementorship Deadline: Sept 18 Email utbmementor@gmail.com with questions
Upcoming events UT Engineering EXPO Vanderbilt Engineering Lunch & Learn – 9/15 BME 3.204 Social – TOMORROW! Eastwoods Park 6-8pm Next Meeting – 9/20 7pm BME 3.204 Dr. Gail Eckhardt – Chair of Oncology @ Dell Med
What is EXPO? EXPO Highlights Details And what can EXPO do for you? EXPO Highlights 300+ companies of all sizes One-on-one with corporate reps Shows enthusiasm to recruiters Details Tues. and Wed., September 12/13 Frank Erwin Center More Info: http://apps.engr.utexas.edu/expo/ EXPO is the nickname given to the University of Texas at Austin’s Cockrell School of Engineering’s Fall Career Fair. Every year, EXPO brings together representatives from 300 companies, including some of the biggest names in the manufacturing, consulting, energy, transportation, and telecommunications industries, and over 5000 graduate and undergraduate engineering students. EXPO gives students the opportunity to meet representatives from companies across the United States and across all industries, and provides a more personal forum for them to learn about each company and the intern, co-op, or full-time openings that the companies are seeking to fulfill. This year’s EXPO will be hosted at the Frank Erwin Center on Tuesday, September 12th from 11am to 5pm, and Wednesday, September 13th from 10am to 4pm. For more information on EXPO, including tips for preparing and information on how to get to the Frank Erwin Center, use this link!
Former EXPO Volunteers Volunteering at EXPO You are the engine behind every EXPO! Why Volunteer? Students helping students Ease into EXPO Behind the scenes look at EXPO Roles Corporate Liaisons, Check In Bouncers, Floaters Sign up: https://goo.gl/forms/O5h55LFeoD4QLfTE2 EXPO is one of the largest student-run career fairs in the country, and hosting such a massive event smoothly requires plenty of volunteering input. Taking an hour or two out of your day to support this event allows fellow Longhorns to expand their professional networks and take a crucial first step in developing their careers. And for first time EXPO attendees, the Volunteering Committee specifically recommends working a shift prior to actually going to EXPO, in order to gain exposure to the environment of the career fair. Volunteer roles include Corporate Liaisons, who interface directly with company representatives to enhance their EXPO experience, Check-In attendants, who provide important information to guide employers and students entering EXPO, and Bouncers, who ensure the security and integrity of the event. I want to stress that the UT EXPO Committee will do our best to make shift scheduling flexible to allow volunteers time to attend EXPO. So please, take some time today to review our sign-up form at this link and check your availability to help make this the best EXPO ever! The sign-up form can also be reached through the EXPO homepage, linked on the previous slide. Former EXPO Volunteers
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week Oct 18
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
BMES President VP Internal VP External VP Finance VP Relations Run Meetings Oversee Officers and Events VP Internal Track Night Case Comp Inter-BME Events VP External Design Comp Externships & Volunteering GURU VP Finance Dues T-shirts Notebook Sale VP Relations Corporate Supporters Industry Events BABS VP Operations Socials Advertising SEC Reps SEC Meetings E-Week
Dr. Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department
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Become a BMES Member! Sign-ups, dues, and notebooks up front!