Scientific Research and Methods EN481 Environmental Health Management Scientific Research and Methods LIANG Li, Ph.D. Faculty of Public Health Thammasat University December 2, 2016
Scientific Paper Introduction Objectives Materials and methods Results and discussion Conclusion and recommendations References cited
Research Question and Objectives Rational of the study: why do you decide the focus of your study? Research question: clear enough? Research objectives: general and specific Objectives should be answered or proven by results Scope of the study Title of the paper: concise, informative, attractive, dynamic, finalizing it at the end
Literature Review What is the purpose of literature review? How to conduct literature review? What has been done previously? What are the research gaps? Keeping good record of literature EndNote References
Materials and Methods Hypothesis experimental design experiment Proving hypothesis by experiment and deciding to accept or reject it by statistical analysis Importance of statistical analysis Social science: questionnaire survey Biological science: laboratory experiment, Koch's postulates proving cause and effect Are methods adequate and appropriate to answer the research question? Is the methodology clear enough for replication?
Results and Discussion Are the results clearly stated? Do the results answer the research objectives? Summarizing your findings Presenting in tables or figures Table/figure should be able to stand alone Explaining your result: What does it mean? What does it imply? Whether or not it is logically acceptable or explainable? Similarities or differences comparing with other people’s work?
Conclusion and Recommendations How does the conclusion relate to the results? Whether or not the research question is answered and research objectives are met? Conclusion: be concise; cannot be too specific; do not repeat results Recommendations: including those for further study
Originality Does the author present a new way of looking at an important problem or its solution? Any innovative concept introduced? Any creative methodology adopted? Any new findings? What are the scientific contributions of your study to the society and academia?
Important Points Respect your data Scientific and professional attitude Plagiarism The first sentence/paragraph is very important Finalizing abstract and title in the end Practice makes perfect
Example Comparing e-waste management systems among selected countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Cambodia Laos Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Yunnan and Guangxi of China
Research Objectives Overall goal: To propose a decision-making approach to improve e-waste management systems among the selected GMS countries
Research Objectives (Cont.) To compare the e-waste management issues and identify e-waste management problems among the selected GMS countries To determine the awareness of e-waste disposal impacts on the environment among different gender and age groups at different educational and income levels in the selected GMS countries To propose a sustainable e-waste management mechanism for adoption among the selected GMS countries
Literature Review E-waste management practices in some selected countries Review of e-waste-related laws, processes, and practices in selected countries Determining what has been done inside or outside the study area, what has not been done inside or outside the study area, and what needs to be done within the study area
Materials and Methods Development of questionnaires Pretest to verify questionnaires Improving questionnaires Orientation of surveyors Questionnaire survey and data collection Data coding Data analysis
Data Collection Questionnaire surveys Selection of the target and the process of conducting questionnaire survey are to be consistent Avoiding duplications Field visits and interviews of focus groups
Data Analysis (Example) Chi-square (χ2 ) test Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Tukey’s multiple range test Pearson correlation coefficients (r)
ANOVA of the mean numbers of the responses to the level of satisfaction toward manufacturers using recyclable or reusable materials (S201), the take-back system adopted by manufacturers (S202), and the incentives provided to retailers and consumers to practice reuse and recycle of e-waste (S203) among Thailand (Th), Laos (La), and China (Cn)
Review for Final Exam The linkages of environmental performance assessment, state of environment, and sustainable development planning Environmental concern and its Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response indicators Environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, health impact assessment Scientific research and methods
Liang Li, Ph. D. Faculty of Public Health Thammasat University Liang Liang Li, Ph.D. Faculty of Public Health Thammasat University