MAGANG 1? Magang is intended to prepare the teacher in teaching and learning process. The activity: observasi and interview. This activities is expected to be able to improve students’ understanding and skill in teaching and to improve their attitude to be professional teacher.
PERTEMUAN KEGIATAN 1 General description about the course, class activities, and course evaluation system. What is Magang 1? The Importance of Magang 2 Factors affecting Effective Teaching 3 kinds of teaching methods Inquiry & problem based learning 4 Suggestopedia and silent way 5 TPR and Jigsaw 6 Cooperative Learning 7 Presentasi hasil observasi 8
ASSESSMENT 1. classroom active participation 2. presentation 3. quiz 4. the report of the observation and interview
ADMINISTRATION a. Buku kurikulum b. Sillabus c. Program Semester dan program Tahunan d. RPP e. Buku Penilaian f. Program Evaluasi g. Analisis Hasil Evaluasi h. Buku Perbaikan dan Pengayaan i. Jadwal Pelajaran j. Kalender Pendidikan k. Program Ekstra Kurikuler
COMPONENTS OF CURRICULUM Miller and Seller (1985) mention that the components of curriculum covers 1) Aims and objectives; 2) content; 3) Teaching strategies and learning experiences; 4) organization of content an teaching strategies; 5) evaluation.
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING FOR THE EFFECTIVE TEACHING The Institution The Teacher The Teaching Process The Learning Process (Richards, 2000)
THE INSTITUTION Different types of institution create their own culture a strong and positive climate to support the innovation, effective and positive leadership, change is received positively Techers distrust one and another, have no firm commitment to the school
INSTITUTIONAL FACTOR School’s organization culture Its approach to maintaenance of educational quality
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE The organizational culture refers to the environment that exist within the school, the kind of communication and decisions making that take place and the management and staffing structure they support Mechanistic model (centralized) It stresses the need for authority, hierarchies of control, and explicit chain of command It maximizes flexibility and adaptability,, trust between superior and subordinates. Communication flows in all direction both vertically and horizontally. It give the teachers greater autonomy in making decision. Organic model (decentralized)
The conclusion..... The organizational structure in a program depends on the type of staff working in it. It tends to be an organic model if a program staffed by experienced and mature professionals. And mechanistic model dependent on less experienced staff
QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISMS It refers to systems a school has to ensure the quality of teaching. The ways to ensure the quality assurance (Richards, 2001): 1. a formulated policy on quality assurance has been articulated 2. the systems are assessed regularly and correction are made 3. a reward system is given 4. Support is avalable to enable staff to improve the quality
Factors that need to be considered to make teaching process successful: 1. Size and staff structure 2. Equipment 3. support staff 4. teacher work space 5. teacher resource room 6. teaching facilities 7. class size
The quality of the institution is developed by the following factors: A sense of mission; a sound curriculum: a curriculum which is adapted to the workplace in order to provide and produce the competence and skillful output of the educational institution (Blum, 1984);
quality assurance mechanism: it covers the quality standard; support; regular evaluation; reward. the formulated quality assurance should be familiar to all staff. Flexible organizational framework It is characterized by administrators who are open to change, flexible, and who encourage teachers to innovate.
Government regulation No. 19, 2005 THE TEACHER Teachers are defined as professional educators whose primary tasks are to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, and evaluate learners at the formal early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education. (Article 1.1 of Law No. 14/2005) Government regulation No. 19, 2005
A Good Teacher: Character and Personality slide
A Good Teacher: The Relationship between the Teacher and Students slide
PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE covers the understanding of learners in terms of their characteristics and potentials, lesson planning and learning assessments. PERSONAL COMPETENCE deal with showing a firm, mature and wise personality, having commitment to develop professionalism continuously and becoming a good model for students. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE include knowledgeable in terms of subject matter, teaching and learning methodology and curriculum. SOCIAL COMPETENCE refers to the ability to communicate effectively with learners, colleagues, parents and other members of the community
LEARNERS Age young children adolescents adult Styles LEARNERS Audio Visual Kinesthetic Audiovisual Language Levels beginner elementary intermediate advanced LEARNERS
EFFECTIVE TEACHING????? Effective teaching/ instruction is the instruction that enables the learners acquire specified KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ATTITUDE