Baden Powell Council Hiawatha District Den Chief Training Baden Powell Council Hiawatha District Period 1: Introduction with Mr. Bialy
Gathering Fill out the training card Turn it in to Mr. Bialy
Den Chief Pledge I promise to help the Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, or Webelos Scouts in my den to the best of my ability; to encourage, guide, and protect them in all den and pack activities. I will strive to be prompt and dependable, and to cooperate with the leaders in carrying out the den program. As they become eligible, I will encourage boys in the den to join the den of the next rank in Cub Scouting or to Become Boy Scouts. (Opening)
Introduction & purpose Your roles as a Den Chief How to fulfill those roles About Cub Scouts and about Webelos Scouts The Den Meeting parts How to work with the adults How to lead games, crafts, and magic tricks Have Fun!!!
Agenda Period 1 9:00AM Period 2 10:00AM Period 3 11:00AM Now! Period 2 10:00AM Crafts with Ms. Horan Period 3 11:00AM Scout Magic with Mr. Plesnar
Agenda Period 4 12:00PM Lunch Period 5 1:00PM Period 6 2:00PM Online Training with Mr. Bialy Period 6 2:00PM Cub Scout Games with Mr. Rogers
Agenda Period 7 3:00PM Closing Ceremony 4:00PM Conclusion with Ms. Bennett Closing Ceremony 4:00PM Auditorium
Roles of a den chief
Your Job as a Den Chief Assist the Den Leaders with all meetings Den meetings, Pack meetings Pick parts of the meeting to lead Assist the Cub Scouts in earning their Achievements Help the Cub Scouts become Leaders Set a Good Example Inspire the Cub Scouts to become Boy Scouts- how? Having fun! “Scouting is a game with a purpose” - Lord Robert Baden Powell
Leading Activities Scout Motto…? Bag of tricks OR secret notecards Opening Closing Songs Skits Run ons Cheers Games Puzzles Worksheets Toys/Activity items
Start, Stop, continue Used to evaluate performance
Ode to the future He is just a Cub Scout. He has many, many characteristics He is energetic, curious, noisy, silly, eager and silly, But he is full of Cub Scout Spirit. He is that little boy in my den. He is tomorrow. He is the future. And I am his Den Chief.