SERVICE 1926 PROTECTION Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards Our Mission Protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards PROTECTION COMMUNICATION SERVICE 1926 HOW can we HELP? WE are a service organization. Please let us know what we can do to help you with chiropractic licensure and regulation. The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards was established in 1926. Our mission is to protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards. Following is an overview of our primary services for both member boards and licensees SERVICES OVERVIEW
STREAMLINED CE EVALUATION CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT PRIMARY SERVICES COMMUNITY NEWS LINKS DIRECTORY STREAMLINED CE EVALUATION PACE ANNUAL & REGIONAL CONNECT LEARN GROW MEETINGS SHARE IDEAS TROUBLESHOOT SOLVE COMMON PROBLEMS TRACK BOARD ACTIONS CIN-BAD INCREASE MOBILITY STAY INFORMED CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT CERTIFICATION CCCA PROTECT PATIENTS OFFER OVERSIGHT FCLB has five primary service programs or categories *click* Building community among our member boards *click* Tracking board actions through CIN-BAD *click* Certifying chiropractic assistants with CCCA (triple CA) *click* Streamlining CE evaluation for boards, educators, and licensees with PACE *click* Offering networking and educational opportunities for our members through annual and regional meetings
NEWS & COMMUNITY us on FaceBook! WEBSITE DIRECTORY POWERPOLLS Links to member boards & organizations Model documents & resources Archive of presentations & education Requirements for licensure Licensure statistics Contact information for colleges & related organizations DIRECTORY POWERPOLLS Surveys requested by member boards Stay connected Learn from other boards’ experience NEWS ALERTS Licensees in the news Prepares boards for media contact FCLB Reminders & highlights News from affiliated organizations EMAIL UPDATES RECOGNITION Highlight boards & individuals who have made a difference in public protection First, News and Community: Our website and Official Directory are a wealth of information about chiropractic licensure, regulation, specific jurisdictional requirements, affiliated organizations and more. We maintain more than 800 web pages. If the information you need isn’t on our site, odds are, we’ve got a link to wherever it is. *click* We have a few services that are specific to our members. POWERPOLLS: Any board can request new or research existing PowerPolls which are surveys of member boards. If you want to know how other licensing boards address a certain issue, PowerPolls are a great way to find out. NEWS ALERTS: FCLB keeps an eye on media coverage of chiropractors. If we see one of your licensees in the news, we’ll let you know. That way, you’re prepared if the reporters start calling. EMAIL UPDATES: We stay in contact with all of the CCEs, the ACA, the ICA, and any other alphabet organizations we meet. If we or they have any information to share, you’ll find it in your inbox. RECOGNITION: Regulators are hidden heroes in public protection. Every once in awhile, we like to shine a spotlight on you. If you know of a board or individual who deserves some applause, let us know. Finally, we like to simplify things for current and future licensees. On our website is a central hub of links to all of our member boards, their rules and regs, and their application materials. Additionally, our student outreach program reminds future licensees that they need to think ahead when it comes to applying for a license LICENSEE INFO Mobility information Jurisdictional requirements Find continuing education FUTURE DCS Student outreach on campus Research license requirements Centralized links us on FaceBook!
C I N - B A D CIN-BAD goes to work for you! CHIROPRACTIC BOARD INFORMATION ACTION NETWORK DATABANK Free to member boards Aids practitioner mobility Internet-accessible Password-protected Growing list of practitioner data Tracks board actions by licensee COMPLETE list of actions & discipline Will report to Federal Databank for member boards CIN-BAD stands for Chiropractic Information Network, Board Action Databank. *click* This secure, online databank is a growing collection of chiropractic licensure data from our member boards and is free for those members to access. The Board Action Databank of information is a COMPLETE record of board actions. If a board has taken action against a doctor, there is a record of it in this database. Maintaining this data and making it accessible to member boards centralizes licensure information, making sure that predatory licensees don’t simply cross borders to prey on new patients. It also speeds up mobility for the rest of the chiropractors with quick licensure verification. Additionally, boards may choose to have CIN-BAD report to the Federal Databank (formerly HIPDB) on their behalf.
CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL ASSISTANT CCCA CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL ASSISTANT EXAM BY NBCE STANDARDS Uniform standards for training and testing PROTECTION Only trained professionals should be working with patients PACE VERFIED COURSES SIMPLE Easy for boards to adopt and use The Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant program is our newest service. *click* This program creates uniforms standard of education and testing for chiropractic assistants, then nationally certifies those assistants who voluntarily meet those standards. Patient safety is the impetus behind this program. No one benefits from having untrained individuals assisting with therapies. For FCLB boards who want to regulate CAs but don’t have the resources to develop or run a program, CCCA offers a cost-effective avenue.
PACE Continuing education review Streamlined Centralized PROVIDERS OF APPROVED CONTINING EDUCATION Continuing education review Streamlined Centralized Uniform process Tracks credits IN-DEPTH ASSESSMENT PROCESS PACE, Providers of Approved Continuing Education, is a centralized continuing education review program. It streamlines the CE submission and review process by allowing boards to delegate course review to a central body, thus reducing the duplication of work among boards. *click* The review is conducted by a team educators and former regulators. The final authority, however, rests with the FCLB Board of Directors. For DCs practicing in jurisdictions that accept PACE, we have a central course-search database that makes it easy to find courses accepted in multiple jurisdictions. Conducted by: Educators Former regulators ONLINE COURSE SEARCH FOR DCS
MEETINGS ANNUAL REGIONAL Educate on regulatory issues Conduct official business Solve common problems Connect & communicate with peers Network informally Discuss in roundtable format Brainstorm solutions Raise concerns Finally, our meetings are one of our most important member services. *click* We have a large annual meeting in the spring. This educational program is designed for the entire membership. At this meeting, we conduct official business, offer educational sessions relevant to regulation, tackle national and international issues, and network with our peers. In the fall, we have a series of smaller, more informal regional meetings. These meetings focus on roundtable discussions and offer great opportunities for brainstorming and teamwork.
970 356-3500 CONTACT ONLINE Finally, here is the contact information for the FCLB executive office. The staff there is friendly and helpful and willing to answer questions or offer more information.