Lindisfarne Brainstorm everything you remember about this.
Learning Intent The learning intent for this lesson is to: To be able to understand bias/opinion To be able to recognise the difference between reported speech and a direct quote in newspaper articles
I’m going to tell you a story…
The attack of Lindisfarne… This was the first major Viking attack recorded in England. Few had contemplated such a raid from the sea could happen.
How did the Vikings attack? On a freezing January day on the little island of Lindisfarne, off the coast of Northumbria, England, the monks must have felt fear as the ships came closer. Their rowers were armed and warlike. As the men leaped from their ships with terrifying yells, there could be no doubt. This was a raid!
Background They came from the sea in a whirlwind of violence. The Christian monastery of Lindisfarne off the Northumbrian coast was ransacked by Vikings. They plundered and killed, they showed no mercy.
Background continued The raiders hacked the monks to death or dragged them into the sea and drowned them. They were after the unguarded treasures of Lindisfarne. Everyone in Britain were so shocked that such an attach had taken place on a holy place . Let’s see what happened…
What is the difference between direct quotes and reported speech? There are two forms of speech that we should try and use in our Journalistic writing. Direct Speech – this is when you write down exactly what the person is saying. You will need to use speech marks Felix of Waldringfield said “ I was walking by the river when I noticed ripples forming in it.”
What is the difference between direct quotes and reported speech? Reported Speech – this is when you are repeating what someone has said. Imagine that you are telling another person what was said. You do not need speech marks. Reported speech is written in the past tense. Villagers working beside the River reported hearing movement in the water in the early hours of yesterday morning.
Direct Quote or Reported speech? Do we need to add speech Marks? ) The Prime minister later added it should never have been such a close vote. 2) The monks reported that they were unarmed when the Vikings attacked. 3) Buckingham Palace stated we would not comment on a private matter. 4) The Queen who needs to stay impartial was said to have purred when she heard the news
Year 6 Journalists Write 3 questions you would like to ask the monk or Viking about the attack. Role play Viking and monk – interviewer to ask questions about what happened and how they felt. Class to write notes