Mr. Bielec Mass Media
What is fake news?
*Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation … with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically. It often employs eye-catching headlines or entirely fabricated news- stories in order to increase readership and … online sharing. In the latter case, profit is made in a similar fashion to clickbait and relies on ad-revenue generated regardless of the [truthfulness] of the published stories * From Wikipedia
What isn’t fake news?
Students will understand What fake news is Why fake news is so prevalent now How to identify and combat fake news in their own lives
Cnn questions
CNN Video vocab/questions Echo chamber Why is fake news becoming so popular? Consider our current landscape. How/ why does fake news spread?
Students will understand What fake news is Why fake news is so prevalent now How to identify and combat fake news in their own lives
CNN Video vocab/questions Echo chamber Why is fake news becoming so popular? Consider our current landscape. How/ why does fake news spread? Bots people social media expands story Salacious headlines (click-bait) We only read the headlines Confirmation bias Producers of fake news make tons of $$$ People are so polarized and skeptical(of the other side) now
Fake news sites wikipedia
Let’s read some fake news!
Students will understand What fake news is Why fake news is so prevalent now How to identify and combat fake news in their own lives
Fraudulent Clinton votes Christian Times New York Times Thoughts/feelings while reading the fake news article. Cite specific evidence that helps prove this article is fake news? Why would this article pick up traction? Cite specifics. Thoughts/feelings while reading the article. What bias is present? Where did you note it? What are some things that can help us spot fake news? Start a list.
Why does fake news matter?
Stanford STUDY NPR STORY: if above link doesn’t work, click on “a new study” hyperlink in beginning of article to access the study
Middle school (Home page analysis)
High school (Evaluating evidence)
College level (Claims on social media)
Read “schools should teach pupils how to spot ‘fake news’”
WHAT ARE THE RAMIFICATIONS OF a society that cannot decipher between real and fake news?
What can we do to combat fake news? “This is how you stop fake news” – Washington Post
Death Panels Rumor AMA/AARP Democrat Republican
Death Panels Rumor AMA/AARP Democrat Republican
What does this study say about us as a culture? Do you buy this study? Why/why not? How feasible is this solution?
What solutions can you think of that may help to combat the problem of fake news?
Final project