Principal Social Workers Network Chairs Report
Children & Families PSW Network
Children & Families Network Children's PSW network has significantly contributed to a range of work over the last 12 months. This includes at a national level working with the Government and DFE to influence and shape govt policy, ensuring voice of social workers is heard at the policy table. Proposals on the Children and Families Social Work Act Consultation on Social Work Accreditation with DFE Knowledge and Skills Statement for Permanency Fostering Stocktake Children and Families PSWs have been central to the following national working groups Marion Russell Review of the Professional Capabilities Framework with BASW Sarah Holstom Knowledge and Skills working group on permanency
Children & Families Network Social Work England Lee PM Tony Stanley Home Office and DFE on Radicalisation Kate Markley Social Work apprenticeships national development work Members of the network have also attended short working groups and consultation events on Neglect Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence FGM Adoption During 2017 Principal Social Workers have been central to research projects with national Academic colleagues across a range of thematic practice areas which includes early help and protection, lac and care leavers This has demonstrated a clear outcomes in ensuring research informs and indeed takes forward practice with children and their families
Children & Families Network Through the local working with universities PSWs continue to lead transformation and strengthening of joint ways of working and innovation. Tracey Ellison And colleagues in the West Midlands continue to demonstrate reach and impact in leading step up programme Across the regions Teaching Partnerships have started to take shape and this is being led by London, West Sussex, Yorkshire and Humberside and South West. Again children’s PSWs are at the heart of this. Special mention to PSWs from across the region who have demonstrated practice leadership and worked tenaciously to ensure social work is promoted and championed Rashid Baig West Berkshire Marion Russel Cornwall Clare Lawton Sam Clayton Lincs Tony Holmes York
Adult PSW Network
Adult PSW Network Blog
Impact of #HospSW16
Impact of #AMHP17
Community Care
PSWs leading the way Louise Walker at Redcar & Cleveland. A Celebration of Social Work Day linking people who use services and social work Jenny Rees at Merton – Successfully working across Adults and Childrens through joint PSW initiatives Lynne Dolphin - Leadership Impact Group. Cohort One, developed great links and soon-to-be published outcomes
PSWs leading the way East Midlands region. Matthew Fisher, Griff Jones, Vanessa Ward, Tina Ramage, Sarah Gibbons, Mark Hutton, Gemma Bellwood, John Morley, Joanne Dyke – Held joint regional conference and have lead on best practice sharing across the region. Kim Homes at Wiltshire. Led on successful Return to Social Work programme & development of Principal Occupational Therapist lead and links
PSWs leading the way Heather Williams in Essex leading on development of Principal OT role and development of a LADO Kate Dempsey at Havering leading Audit Practice Week. Andrew Erringden, Coventry’s work on Hospital Social Work Day Andy Butler, Surrey, National Policy Advisory Group for NHS Continuing Healthcare & Member of National Mental Capacity Forum- Leadership Group
PSWs leading the way South West region, via Steve Crocker, ASYE – (Regional) Moderation – PSW taking active role in internal and external moderation. 3) Implementation of Good Practice Awards (Local)– monthly awards presented by DASS reflecting good practice. 4) Creation of Health and Social Care Academy with local HEI and Health partners (Local) – working jointly to look at CPD / recruitment / Retention
Messages from Chairs Principal Social Workers can and are leading professional social work across the country Principal Social Workers need to be continually supported by social work leaders to deliver their role We will continue to promote social work and better outcomes for the people that we serve Message to employers – Invest in your PSW.