Welcome to Ilkley Grammar School Post-16
How did we do last year? Exam Results – BEST EVER! 100% A Level pass rate 16% of all results awarded A* (double the national average) 44% of all grades achieved being at A*-A (18% above national) 77% at A*-B (24% above national) 91% at A*-C (14% above national)
IGS is the top non-selective post-16 in the area Average Point Score is a way of measuring how well students do in their A-level studies. This reflects attainment rather than progress. IGS is the top non-selective post-16 in the area * Data from other schools are from 2016, the most recent data published
How did we do last year? Progress ALPS is a measure of how well students progress from GCSE. Our ALPS score is 2 (officially “outstanding”) This means that the progress our students make is in the top 10% nationally.
How did we do last year? Progress Level 3 Value Added is also a measure of how well students progress from GCSE. A score of 0 indicates average progress. Our VA score is +0.24 This is “significantly higher” than the national average.
Progress Made by Students in Post-16 (L3VA) L3VA is a way of measuring how much progress students make during their A level studies. A score of 0 is average. IGS is in the top 16% of schools in England for progress at A level * Data from other schools are from 2016, the most recent data published
How did we do last year? Progress “Students make outstanding progress from their starting points across a wide range of subjects.” Ofsted, 2017
How did we do last year? Destinations “Through high-quality support and guidance, the overwhelming majority of students go on to further training or study, often at the most prestigious universities.” Ofsted, 2017
Comments from students who joined IGS in post-16 “I have found the school to be really welcoming with a friendly atmosphere. It’s been good to get to know new people. I'm enjoying my new lessons and the free study times help me to keep up with my work. If I have been struggling with anything all of the teachers have helped me. I'm starting to feel a part of the school.” – Chris “Since I have started I am pleased to say that I have been having a wonderful time. All the students and staff have really made me feel welcome and comfortable. Especially since I have come from a school that had 50 students in total, the support given at IGS for homework and any notes is really impressive. I am really enjoying my time here and I want to thank you for everything this school has done and will do to help and support me.” “I have enjoyed every minute of being at IGS. I’ve made lots of new friends and get along with everybody in the year so far. In the subjects I’m doing I’m thoroughly enjoying them and finding them very interesting. When I joined I instantly noticed the massive change between GCSE, not knowing many people was scary, but everybody was extremely friendly, and I got to know people quickly. All my teachers are also extremely friendly and will explain if I struggle with anything. Overall my experience at IGS have been great so far, there is nothing I can think of to improve it!” - Monty Comments from students who joined IGS in post-16
You are seen as more responsible and are trusted with more freedom The new facilities available to us such as the quiet study area and the cafe Being able to choose to do the subjects I enjoy The friendly working environment. The food and the time to study You are treated like an adult and not a school student anymore. The relaxed style of working STUDENT VOICE: THE BEST THING ABOUT 6TH FORM AT IGS IS…? The amount of support on offer The unity and support you receive from other students and staff How the teachers are always there to help you whatever you may need. The sense of unity; we are all going through the same experience, therefore we can support each other.
Student Focussed Support Community involvement Head Boy and Head Girl i-Leaders Student Leadership Team (SLT) Leadership opportunities EPQ, DofE, NCS, PEP, CEP, PBT Enrichment opportunities Oxbridge links/ opportunities Targeted visiting speakers Field trips Debating society Career interviews Personal Support Careers Student Focussed Support University open days Extensive pastoral support Relevant work experience Mentoring STEM events Parent Information Evenings In-House Careers/ apprenticeship Fayre Business connections
Application Process Open Evening 9th November Taster Day 19th January Completion of Application forms 9th February Formal Interviews 5th – 9th March Decision letters received after the Easter Holidays
I believe that IGS sixth form is a special place. I want you to decide if you agree.
You only have one life, make it the one you want to live