SIP Report – Nov 2017 Overview Headlines Workstream report High level plan Progress against benefits Key risks (over 12) Key Issue
Better Health Research Overview Current focus on process improvements and efficiency gains Deliverables Benefits Ambition Process Improvements Better service Reduced Costs Predictable (quicker) timelines Increased customer satisfaction Invest in additional capability meet challenge of reducing budget Better Health Research
Headlines SIP primarily in process improvement stage Approach is to pilot, evaluate and roll out (where applicable) Benefit profiles being finalised (to Programme Board end Nov) Timeline for benefits being realised dependent on speed of process changes being implemented (most are timetabled for 18/19) We have clarified with DH which activities have been deferred due to business case decision Will need to realign programme to ensure compatibility and connectivity with Research Systems development Lessons from process improvement should be used to inform research systems development
RAG Service Improvement Programme Date: 14th November Budget: 97.2k Forecast outturn:97.2k RAG Workstream Status Commentary SIP HRA Approval: All development work linked to improvements to the HRA Approval ‘future state process - Integrated Process Joined up validation pilot complete and evaluation report published. ‘Ready for review’ thresholds about to be tested. - Proportionality Stakeholder interviews underway and to complete by end of Nov. Initial report on ‘proportionality’ complete by Dec 18 (pushed back from November) - Get it right first time IRAS Verification Tool (providing some basic automated checks) to be developed and agreed across 4 Nations by end of Dec. Implementation to follow in 2018 (date tbc). - Amendments To be scheduled PIER: Effective public involvement in the ethical review process leading to more favourable opinions and improved health research Next stage is to develop further guidance to applicant – specifically linked to the various sections of the IRAS form (outcome of consultative work with REC members and HRA Staff) Corporate: Development of an effective and efficient corporate support and infrastructure model that results in a business model that secures the best value ‘mix’ of in-house, third party and shared ALB resourcing. Four efficiency work packages identified; member expenses, information management, facilities management and HR Administration with objective of generating process improvements/financial efficiencies Customer Support: Delivering an integrated approach to managing the customer relationship, ensuring that all queries are managed effectively and that feedback is effectively used in improving service provision Initial engagements completed and several ideas generated which are being written up in addition to ideas sharing between current HRA experts. Original timescale for initial phase pushed back from Dec to January Analytics: Developing options appraisal and then subsequently deliver technical and analytics solution for HRA which has potential to connect with any wider system developments information gathering is complete, report on findings and next steps due by end of December – potential that this workstream is subsumed within Research Systems Programme
Options appraisal Implement SIP – HIGH LEVEL DELIVERY PLAN Beg Sep Beg Oct Beg Nov Beg Dec Beg Jan 18 Beg Feb18 Beg Mar 18 Beg Apr 18 Beg May 18 Verification Tool specification Verification Tool – Development and Implementation Approval Roll – Out Joint Validation Report due Proportionality Process Improvement (P.IM ) Information Management P.IM - Member Expenses Corporate P.IM - Facilities Management P.IM – HR Admin . PIER Develop applicant guidance as a result of consultative work with REC members Roll –out applicant guidance Options appraisal Decision point Report due Analytics Implement Report due Options appraisal and recommendations for change Customer
Benefits The following tables represent progress against Benefits Further work is required in a number of work streams however good progress on Approval SIP Looking for sign off at Programme Board on 29 Nov Completed benefit profiles for all W/S due January 2018
Benefit realisation SIP APPROVAL Benefit Code Benefit description Benefit measure Target date for realisation Commentary B01 A process that offers the applicant a more precise timetable to allow them to plan subsequent activity. Percentage of studies approved within predicted timeline Categories and timelines to be determined) Number of negative comments in user satisfaction surveys related to disjointed process and disjoined communication. Monthly user satisfaction surveys. B02 Increased turnaround of approval outcome and reduced cost of reworking applications Reduction in the number of applications received by HRA with missing documentation /information. From 2018/19 Work on guidance and verification tool may deliver benefits earlier User satisfaction survey New- 80% of users rate their experience of our online guidance as either 4 or 5 B03 Shorter elapsed time from application to HRA Approval Days from submission to HRA Approval being presented with and without clock stopping. Elapsed time taken from HARP. Target based on 16/17 baseline minus 2 days. Number of studies completing to planned objectives. Benefits to be realised within 6 months of integrated process being implemented Should be noted that timelines have been consistently improving since HRA Approval implementation B04 High rates of satisfaction will potentially increase attractiveness of UK as place to carry out research Percentage of applicants scoring the overall service at 4 or 5 on a scale of 1-5 in user satisfaction survey. B05 A reduction in cost would enable a redeployment of our staff or savings to meet other business priorities >5% cost reduction on 16/17 baseline. Measure to be defined
Key issue - impact on SIP of unsuccessful business case Improvements to business analytics on hold – manual processes still being utilised in the meantime, inefficient, time consuming, risk of error Improvements to customer relationship management processes and systems deferred Organisational development to achieve cultural change to support our strategic goals delivered at much smaller scale