Chapter 1: Sentence Parts REVIEW GAME
Question #1 Identify this group of words: “The largest desert in the world.” Answer: Fragment
Question #2 The little puppy is ____________. Fill in the blank with a PREDICATE ADJECTIVE
Question #3 Compound verb or compound subject? “Hot chocolate and homemade cookies tasted especially good on the cold day.” Answer: compound subject
Question #4 declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory? “Join me at the park.” Answer: imperative
Question #5 Identify the SIMPLE predicate (verb) “The young boy collected seashells at the beach.” Answer: collected
Question #6 Identify the verb phrase in the following sentence: “Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?” Answer: Do remember
Question #7 Declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory? “Justin met his party guests at the front door.” Answer: declarative
Question #8 Identify the subject in the following sentence: “Look at all the stars!” Answer: (You)
Question #9 Identify the predicate noun: “The band playing is a local group.” Answer: group
Question #10 Direct or indirect object? “The history teacher gave Maria the highest grade in the class.” Answer: indirect object
Question #11 Identify this group of words: “The cheerleading coach explained how practices will work and she asked the cheerleaders to work on their jumps.” Answer: fused run-on sentence
Question #12 What is the complete subject? “George Washington, the first president of the United States, was born in Virginia.” Answer: George Washington, the first president of the United States
Question #13 Direct or indirect object? “Steve visited Paris on vacation last year.” Answer: direct object
Question #14 Compound verb or compound subject? “The field and park were soggy after the rain.” Answer: compound subject
Question #15 Identify the verb phrase: “Sheila is working late today.” Answer: is working
Question #16 What is the complete predicate? “The parrot flapped and squawked in his cage.” Answer: flapped and squawked in his cage.
Question #17 Identify the SIMPLE subject: “Here is the postcard from your friend Bill.” Answer: postcard
Question #18 Identify the following group of words: “I became a U.S. citizen, I am so proud!” Answer: comma splice run-on sentence
Question #19 Name one way to fix a run-on sentence. Answers: put a period, put a semicolon, put a comma then FANBOYS
Question #20 If you want to use a predicate noun or predicate adjective to complement the subject of a sentence, what kind of verb MUST you have before it? Answer: linking verb
Question #21 Direct or indirect object? “Sara gave me the money for the concert tickets.” Answer: indirect object
Question #22 Fill in the blank with a predicate NOUN: “The puppy was ___________.”
Question #24 Name one thing that can be missing in a sentence fragment. Answer: subject, predicate, or complete thought
Question #25 Use the words “the little children” as the indirect object in a sentence.
EXTRA CREDIT! What animal is the mascot for Ms. Szydelko’s favorite college football team?