Geriatric Medicine Society Dr Mine ORLU-GUL Member of GMS Formulations Working Group
Who we are A multidisciplinary network place to address the challenge of medicines for older patients from a holistic perspective Established in 2010 Registered non-for-profit organisation
Mission Development and provision of age appropriate medicines that older patients can easily and safely take Promoting scientific research in medication dedicated to older adults from drug discovery to medication management by the patient
Board members Professor Director for Hochschule Fulda, University of Applied Sciences Director for Pharmaceutical Business Development at Capsugel Vice Chair of German Society of Gerontology & Geriatrics Manager Customer Relation Geriatric Health Care at Pfizer Germany Chief Research Officer at Eurand Italy
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Working groups Adherence and adherence measurement working group Drug formulation and dosage form working group Packaging working group
Meetings General Assembly Working group conference calls (twice a year, at Frankfurt Airport Conference Centre) Working group conference calls 1st Geriatric Medicine Society Meeting USA June 20, 2013 no administrative organization and acts through 2 annual meetings and working groups (mainly via conference calls) allowing free membership and easy access for all stakeholders.
Recent achievements We have members from different disciplines coming from 16 different countries GMS was present at the European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy aging (EIP) GMS contributed to several medical, pharmaceutical and regulatory conferences in Turkey, China, Czech Republic, USA and UK. GMS organized a 2 day pre-conference workshop at AAPS Annual Meeting in Chicago, a session at the 7th German and Austrian Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress in Bonn GMS Adherence WG published a White Paper in the European Geriatric Medicine journal The conferences and sessions were dedicated to different topics of geriatric medicine and multidisciplinary in nature to stimulate interactive discussions. Ongoing discussion with APV to organise two days workshop and provide presentation on e-learning platform