Jupiter By Kashvik gutha
What is Jupiter? Jupiter is one of the 8 planets in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is so big it can fit all the planets in our solar system with Saturn without its rings . There are so many interesting things about Jupiter. Not even one human has landed on Jupiter but NASA has taken close up pictures of Jupiter.
How Big Is Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is 86,881.4 mi in diameter. Jupiter is 43,441 mi in radius. It will fit about more than 1,300 Earths. Jupiter can hold about all the planets in our solar system including Saturn without its rings. How did Jupiter get this big? Well long ago it was just the sun and Jupiter. Jupiter collected so much rocks and gas that it formed bigger and bigger, but Jupiter didn't reach its maximum level to become a star.
Inner Or Outer? As most of you know our solar systems planets are divided by inner, and outer planets including Pluto and other dwarf planets. Jupiter is one of the outer planets in our solar system. Jupiter is the closest outer planet to the asteroid belt that divides the solar system into outer and inner planets. Inner planets are closer to the sun and outer planets are way farther away from the sun.
How many days? Every planet has different number of days it takes to orbit the sun. Earth takes 365 days to go around the sun and that is called a year. It takes Jupiter 4,300 earth days to orbit the sun once. Other planets take more days and some take less days.
Does it have moons? As all of you know we have only one Moon. Other planets have more and some don’t even have one. Jupiter has 67 known moons, but there are only 4 main ones. There names are Europa, Ganymede, Lo, and Callisto. Some have not been seen closely.
What does Jupiter look like? Jupiter is round like the other planets. Like the rest of the outer planets Jupiter has a ring around it made with gas and rock. Its atmosphere is made up of mostly hydrogen gas and helium gas, like the sun.
Features about my planet? Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the Sun It is two and a half times more massive than all the other planets in the solar system combined. It is made primarily of gases and is therefore known as a “gas giant”. Another interesting fact about Jupiter is its great red spot that is actually a storm gong on for millions of years. It is the fastest spinning planet.
Would I visit my planet? No because it is way to dangerous Jupiter has no surface to land on ,but if I get a chance and scientists make a way I can land on Jupiter I surely will I will send probes to take pictures and get information.
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