OELA/ORELAP Spring Workshop May 11, 2016
Welcome Oregon Environmental Laboratories! OELA organizes this meeting “periodically” to facilitate the exchange of information with ORELAP and TNI. This year we have Jerry Parr, the Executive Director of The NELAC Institute.
New OELA website. First overhaul to site in several years. oelaonline New OELA website. First overhaul to site in several years. oelaonline.com Persons residing or employed in the State of Oregon who are engaged in the operation of or who are employees of an environmental laboratory, or who are engaged in providing support, supplies or services to environmental Labs.
OELA Board Rory White, President Kim Ramsey, Vice President Beth Myers, Treasurer Dennis Morgan, Secretary Sherri Miyazaki Dick Caldwell Bill Michalek Jan Wilson Keith Chapman
New version of ODIE now available
ORELAP Gary Ward, ORELAP Administrator Shannon Swantek, ORELAP Lizbeth Garcia, ORELAP Chris Redman, DEQ Sophia Caggiano, DEQ John Fontana, Public Health Laboratory Director
Overview: Morning 8:15 AM Welcome, OELA Update Rory White, OELA President 8:30 AM OTAC Update Dennis Wells, OTAC Chair 8:45 AM ORELAP Program Update Proposed Complaint Process The New and Improved ODIE Gary Ward, ORELAP Administrator 9:30 AM Oregon Drinking Water Program Revised Total Coliform Rule Update Electronic Reporting Dave Leland, DWP Administrator 10:15 AM Ethics Presentation Gary Ward, ORELAP 11:00 AM TNI Update Changes to the TNI Laboratory Accreditation Standards Working with the New MDL Jerry Parr, TNI 12:00 LUNCH Morning Program
Overview: Afternoon 1:00 PM OPHD Domestic Well Safety Program: Data Submission Update and Total Coliform Reporting for Private Wells Tara Chetock, OPHD Program Coordinator 1:30 PM RPA and the DEQ drive for lower detection limits Scott Hoatson, DEQ Quality Assurance Officer 2:00 PM VOC Collection for Soils EPA 5035A Kent Patton, Apex Labs 2:30 PM Q&A Panel with the ORELAP Assessors Gary Ward Shannon Swantek Lizbeth Garcia 3:00 PM BREAK 3:15 PM OELA Business Meeting Election of Board Members Membership Survey Announcement Marlene Moore Workshops and OELA scholarships Rory White, OELA President Jan Wilson, Cammia Env. Afternoon program
Electronic Certificate of Attendance Available There will be a sign up list for these certificates of attendance.
Safety is foremost for any laboratory Safety is foremost for any laboratory. Here are some safety posters that you can’t take your eyes off. This is why there is NO EATING in the lab.
No clowning around with the chemicals please.
Homer has clearly adopted the ISO/TNI spirit of documenting all events so that they can be accurately reconstructed.