BSED 470 M5-2 By Jodie Wood
Talk A Mile a minute Partners – face each other with one having their back to the screen and the other can see it The one who can see the screen is going to quickly describe the words using the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and examples (cannot use any of the words in the category title or any rhyming words) When time is up both the students can look at the words, give time to discuss clues, examples exc. Once that first session is done, switch roles of the partners (the person who was facing the screen will now have their back to the screen, and the person who had their back to the screen will now be facing the screen and giving the clues.)
Talk A Mile A Minute 1st round 2nd round The words may be…... Money Interest Rate Income Expense 2nd round The words may be…... Taxes Deductions Gross Net