Illustration of RMSI monitoring windows (TDM) 3GPP TSG RAN WG1#91 R1-17XXXXX Reno, USA, November 27th – December 1st, 2017 Agenda item: Illustration of RMSI monitoring windows (TDM) ZTE
Background Complete Offline agreement: monitoring window position When the SS/PBCH blocks and corresponding RMSI CORESETs occur in different time instances, Configuration of the RMSI CORESET monitoring window The monitoring window is associated with one SS/PBCH block in a burst set monitoring window position The starting slot index S for the monitoring window with reference to the SFN boundary for SSB i is S = X + O + f(i), where slot is defined by RMSI numerology Alt1: f(i) = floor(i/N), Alt2: f(i) = floor(i*M) M equals 1/2, if N=2; M = 1 or 2, if N=1; Here, X is the number of slots corresponding to half frame starting boundary containing the SSB Ex) X = 0 if the first half frame includes the SSB Ex) X = 5k if the second half frame includes the SSB and SCS is 15k kHz, k = 1, 2, 4, 8 i is the SSB index O is the number of slots corresponding to {0, 2, 5} msec for sub6GHz {0,2.5, 5} msec for over6GHz N is the number of search space sets per slot, {1, 2} When N = 1, the starting symbol for the CORESET is 0 except for the 30kHz SSB SCS/15kHz RMSI SCS LTE-NR coexistence case, in which case the symbol number is 2. When N = 2, the starting symbol for the CORESETs will be Option 1: {0,l} where l ={1,2} is the CORESET duration, for the 30kHz SSB SCS/15kHz RMSI SCS LTE-NR coexistence case, in which case the starting symbol number is 2 Option 2: {0,7} monitoring window duration 2 slots
Parts of Offline agreement The starting slot index S for the monitoring window with reference to the SFN boundary for SSB i is S = X + O + f(i), where slot is defined by RMSI numerology Alt1: f(i) = floor(i/N), Alt2: f(i) = floor(i*M) M = ½, if N=2; M = {1, 2}, if N=1; X is the number of slots corresponding to half frame starting boundary containing the SSB i is the SSB index O is the number of slots N is the number of search space sets per slot, {1, 2} monitoring window duration = 2 slots
N=2 (2 search space sets per slot) f(i) = floor(i/N) = floor(i*M) = floor(i/2) f(0)=0 f(1)=0 f(2)=1 f(3)=1 f(4)=2 f(5)=2 One search space set for SSBs 3 or 5 i = 0 i = 1 i=0, 2 i=1,3 i=2,4 i=3,5 i=4,6 i=5,6 ... ~One search space set per SSB Monitoring window for SSB i=0 and SSB i=1 (2 slots) Monitoring window for SSB i=2 and SSB i=3 (2 slots) Monitoring window for SSB i=4 and SSB i=5 (2 slots) Alt 1 is equal to Alt 2 for N=2. ...
Alt 1 is equal to Alt 2 for N=1, M=1. f(i) = floor(i/N) = floor(i*M) = i One search space set for SSB i=2 or SSB i=3 f(0)=0 f(1)=0 f(2)=0 f(3)=0 i = 0 i = 0,1 i = 1,2 i = 2,3 ... ~One search space set per SSB Monitoring window for SSB i=0 (2 slots) Monitoring window for SSB i=1 (2 slots) Monitoring window for SSB i=2 (2 slots) ... Alt 1 is equal to Alt 2 for N=1, M=1.
N=1, M=2 ... Only supported by Alt 2 f(i) = floor(i*M) = i*2 Monitoring window for SSB i=0 (2 slots) Monitoring window for SSB i=1 (2 slots) Two search space sets per SSB NW scheduling flexibility Only supported by Alt 2