2016-2017 Proposed Medical Plan Premiums and Benefit Changes
2015-2016 Medical Plan Statistics Premiums were increased across all plans Plan adjustments made to align benefits closer to TRS-Care and remain competitive with surrounding school districts NISD Health and Wellness Center continues to be a recruiting and retention tool NISD Health and Wellness Center continues to be self-sustaining
2015-2016 Medical Plan Statistics Currently, claim expenses for the Basic and High Deductible Plans are below the revenue generated by premiums Claim expenses for the Core Plan are 44% above the revenue generated by premiums 2 claimants with $150,000 in claims for the current plan year 4 claimants with $50,000 in claims for the current plan year Pharmacy costs account for 20.2% of the total plan expenditures
2016-2017 Recommendations Increase the district contribution $50 per month from $275 to $325 Funding for the additional district contribution will be covered through a budget request and reallocating funds from the monthly Alternate Plan contribution The reallocation of funds will not impact the Alternate Plan benefits
2016-2017 Recommendations Continue to align benefits and premiums to meet or exceed those of TRS-Care and remain competitive Zero premium increase for the Basic and High Deductible Plans Increase in premiums for Core Plan ranging from $30 to $50 per month based on coverage selected Increase the Core Plan deductible from $300 to $750
2016-2017 Recommendations Increase the out-of-pocket for employee only plans to $6,250 and family coverage to $12,500 Reduce home health and skilled nursing benefits from 100% in-network to applicable deductible and co-insurance on all plans Increase specialty pharmacy deductibles from $125 to $250 Eliminate over-the-counter drugs provided through the NISD Wellness Center Increase emergency room co-pay from $200 to $250
2016-2017 Recommendations Eliminate the Always Care Vision Plan Eliminate the QCD Discount Dental Plan Add a supplemental Motor Club/Road Side Assistance Program Add a supplemental Combined Life Insurance Program
2016-2017 Proposed Premiums
Surrounding District Contributions Plan Year Contribution Active Care Northwest ISD 2016-2017 $325 NO
How does NISD’s Plan Compare to TRS-Care ? Benefits offered by the District are equal or better to those offered through TRS-Care Premiums for the three plans remain comparable to TRS-Active Care In June, TRS-Care will increase premiums and adjust benefits to offset the projected shortfall in the TRS-Care fund