Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1. Purpose/Goal of this Career Cluster The purpose Agriculture and natural resources Agriculture, food, and natural resources workers produce agriculture good 2. 5 reasons that you might want to work in this Career Cluster One reason you might want like to work with animal and plant. Second reason you might be intersect plant and animal Third reason you might not like seat in desk all day you dont have to in this job . Fourth reason you might like to work outside Fifth reason you might also provide advice and services that farmers and ranchers need to improve 3. 5 occupations in this Career Cluster one farmer two rancher meat 4. Job Duties & Responsiblities (for all 5 occupations listed) 5. Training & Education (for all 5 occupations listed)
Architecture and Construction He occupations in Architecture and Construction cluster, you would be responsible for buildings and other structures such as highways and bridges.
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications In the occupations in this cluster, you have two avenues. One is to be the performer or artist. The other is to work behind the scenes to make the performance or publication happen. As a reporter, actor, or fine artist, you would use your creative talents.
Business management Business Management and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Business Management and Administration career opportunities are available in every sector of the economyIn the the occupations in Business Management and Administration cluster, there are many career options. You may provide the needed support to keep a business in operation