The University of Kent Careers and Employability Service Postgraduate Study: Mathematics Bruce Woodcock University of Kent Careers and Employability Service You can download a copy of this presentation at
WHY DO POSTGRADUATE STUDY? Because you are interested in your subject. Because you enjoy life at university. Because you want an academic/research career. To improve your job prospects.
TAUGHT MASTER’S DEGREE: MSc Higher degrees by taught course & dissertation Length: one calendar year (September – Sept.) Seminars, coursework and exams over the academic year Followed by a 3 to 5 months-long dissertation prepared over the summer: Need 2:1usually. Funding normally via postgraduate loan
RESEARCH DEGREES M.Phil or PhD Length: from one year for research Masters to three for PhD Work independently to prepare a thesis Your supervisor will advise and guide - who you choose is very important Original research expected Research Council funding normally available Need MSc or First Class degree. May have to compete with MSc students for PhD places
WHERE TO STUDY? Continue at Kent? Top quality university “The Devil you know!” Friends may still be here. Study elsewhere in the UK? More choice Can be seen as good to make a change Study abroad? Much more work involved Apply early!
CHOOSING WHERE TO STUDY Prospects Postgrad website – database of all PG courses in the UK Ask your lecturers! Use league tables and research assessments - but with caution! Visit universities and talk to current postgraduates
What can I do with my degree? Gives details of Kent graduates in your subject who have gone on to do postgraduate study.
RESEARCH COUNCIL FUNDING for PhDs EPSRC Engineering & Physical Sciences BBSRC Biology and Biotechnology MRC Medical NERC Natural & Environmental STFC Science and Technology Facilities Council
RESEARCH COUNCILS AWARDS EPSRC, BSRC, MRC, NERC, STFC Apply to postgraduate department where you want to study, not to the research council. Department allocates awards. Closing date 31st July, but apply autumn or early spring terms. Open to English and Welsh applicants. Scottish and Northern Ireland applicants need to confirm eligibility for particular courses. European Community applicants usually get fees only.
AWARD VALUE Fees paid Maintenance grant about £15,000 outside London May be extra allowances for dependants Most PhD students get a few hundred pounds p.a. for invigilating, supervising practicals/seminars etc. Normally need a 1st or high 2:1 or MSc to get award
New Postgraduate Loans A new postgraduate loan scheme will be implemented for English-domiciled students and EU students studying in English institutions from 2016. Will offer students up to £10,280 to help with the costs of a masters degree. Students are eligible for the loans if they are under the age of 30 and are studying for a full-time masters, or part-time at 50% intensity or above. There are no subject restrictions. Like undergraduate loans, graduates will only pay them back if they earn over £21,000, and repay at a rate of 6% of income above this sum. Information on the Postgraduate Loans Scheme
OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING University Research Assistant: posts are relatively rare Other jobs, unrelated to your studies Undergraduate teaching: sometimes a requirement of university studentships. Kent has a Graduate Teaching Assistantship scheme supporting 300 postgrads Company sponsorship/PhD whilst employed Charitable trusts ASK COURSE DIRECTOR WHAT FUNDING IS AVAILABLE! and-funding UofK has a Graduate Teaching Assistantship scheme supporting 300 postgrads Research Asst example:
UNIVERSITY STUDENTSHIPS Aimed at encouraging research – few available for taught courses Sums vary but often similar level to Research Council studentships May include a requirement to teach part-time Eligibility varies A brief list of these funds in Prospects Postgraduate Study Guide - or check with the universities you are applying to One exception at Kent is Psychology which has several bursaries for MSc courses
HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? Fees – about £5,000+ a year for UK/EU students on many full-time academic courses at Kent. About £1,000 off at Kent. But can be up to £20,000 for some courses – especially in London International student fees start at around £8000 Maintenance – rent, food etc. Study expenses - travel to libraries, cost of producing thesis, etc.
HOW TO APPLY No UCAS equivalent for postgraduate academic study Each university will have its own online application form Academic reference is important No overall closing date, but you may need to apply early - in the first term of your final year Early application especially important for funding PhD studentships advertised from late November to January. Sign up for alerts on EARLY IN FINAL YEAR Discuss postgraduate study with your academic advisor. Research and shortlist courses and universities JANUARY ONWARDS Most MSc applications made in Spring term.
Writing your personal statement Usually have to write a personal statement of about 500 words on why you wish to do the Master’s degree. Why you want to do this course? Why this university? Relevance of your first degree Academic skills Career aims For PhDs may need a 2,000 word research proposal on what you want to research and why See our postgraduate study page for help with writing personal statements, funding and how to apply
Further Help How to apply for postgraduate study Practice interview for PG study Help for PhDs An adviser is available for short (15 minute) consultations in the Careers and Employability Service any weekday morning 10.30-12.30 or afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm. You don't need an appointment to see the duty adviser at these times. Just ask at Careers Reception to see them. They can review your PRINTED personal statement for postgraduate study.
Careers Award on Moodle Half the unemployment rate for students completing the award Enter Moodle, search for DP2650 or Careers Award and click enrol Email if you have problems enrolling More info at Telephone: 01227 823299 Email: Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 to 5 including vacations Drop-in times (no appointment needed: 15 minutes): 10.30 to 12.30 and 2 to 4 pm Help given for up to 3 years after graduation Weekly careers emails every Monday afternoon
The University of Kent Careers and Employability Service Postgraduate Study Bruce Woodcock University of Kent Careers and Employability Service You can download a copy of this presentation at