Curriculum Information Evening Moving to the Senior Phase and beyond
All children and young people are entitled to experience: • a coherent curriculum from 3 to 18 • a broad general education, including well planned experiences and outcomes across all the curriculum areas. This should include understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it and understanding of the environment • a senior phase which provides opportunities for study for qualifications and other planned opportunities for developing the four capacities • opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work • opportunities to achieve to the highest levels they can through appropriate personal support and challenge • Opportunities to move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school
Moving from S2 to S3 – preparing for the Senior Phase CIRCLE ONE subject in each column that you would like to FOCUS on going forward into S3 - Compulsory for school use think about the future: what would like to study for a qualification in your Senior School Phase? 4 pds 3 pds CAT Science Social Studies Technolgy level 5 English Maths Biology Geography CDT - Graphics Art and Design Home Economics Dance HWB level 4 Chemistry History CDT - Design Music Business PE+ level 3 Physics French RE Checked Computing PSE Music Tech Tutor curricular areas Career Aspirations Expressive Arts Health & Wellbeing X Languages Mathematics Additional Comments RME Sciences Social Studies Technologies
Moving from S2 to S3 – preparing for the Senior Phase For example: CIRCLE ONE subject in each column that you would like to FOCUS on going forward into S3 - Compulsory for school use think about the future: what would like to study for a qualification in your Senior School Phase? 4 pds 3 pds CAT Science Social Studies Technolgy level 5 English Maths Biology Geography CDT - Graphics Art and Design Home Economics Dance HWB level 4 Chemistry History CDT - Design Music Business PE+ level 3 Physics French RE Checked Computing PSE Music Tech Tutor curricular areas Career Aspirations Expressive Arts Health & Wellbeing X Languages Mathematics Additional Comments RME Sciences Social Studies Technologies
Moving from S3 to S4 Physics History Art and Design Drama Chemistry English Mathematics Physics History Art and Design Drama Chemistry PE + Choose 4 subjects to take forward into S4 from the subjects shown in the highlighted cells. Please note courses must be viable before they can run
Moving from S4 to S5 Mathematics English Physics Chemistry History What would you like your future career/job to be? Where do you intend to go once you leave school? (please tick) University College Apprenticeship Job Mathematics English Physics Chemistry History Art and deign PE (SQA) N5 N4 1 2 3 4 5 Subject Study Level Please note that courses must be viable before they can run A contribution toward course materials will be requested for practical courses
Tradition subject choices Skills for Work Courses Level of study ART AND DESIGN BIOLOGY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COMPUTING CHEMISTRY ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY HISTORY MATHEMATICS MODERN STUDIES FRENCH SCIENCE MUSIC PHYSICS RMPS GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE National 3 – Advanced Higher National 4 – Higher National 4 – Advanced Higher National 3 – Higher National 4 National 5 and Higher Skills for Work Courses Level of study PHOTOGRAPHY HOSPITALITY DANCE ENGINEERING SKILLS WOODWORK SKILLS CREATIVE INDUSTRIES LEADERSHIP TRAVEL & TOURISM RETAIL PE SPORT & RECREATION MEDIA CHILDCARE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY NPA level 5 or Higher National 5 National Progression Award Higher National 4 National 5 (progression to Higher available)
College Options in our Travel Column Please note that if we do not a subject here at St David’s a pupil may travel to college, or another midlothian school, to study.
South East Scotland Academies Partnership The Creative Industries Academy Progress directly to Year 2 of relevant HND course at Edinburgh College or relevant degree course at Queen Margaret University The Health and Social Care Academy Progress to a career in Health care, entry to first year of a Health related degree at Queen Margaret University or college The Hospitality and Tourism Academy Graduate with HNC, entry to BSc International Hospitality at Queen Margaret University
Foundation Apprenticeships Course SCQF Level Duration Campus Business Skills 6 2 years Sighthill Civil Engineering Construction and Technology Centre - Musselburgh Engineering Midlothian Financial Services 1 year IT Software Development Granton Social Services and Healthcare
Moving from Senior Phase to a positive destination We aim to ensure that all school leavers should move to a positive destination which could include: University Further Education Employment / Apprenticeship Voluntary Sector Work placement All school leavers will guaranteed place in Edinburgh College for session beginning 2016 and beyond
Learner Journeys to a Positive Destination Achieves 5+ N5s in S4 Achieves 5 Highers during S5/6 Move to study at University Wendy Achieves a mixture of N4 and N5 in S4 Achieves 3 Highers during S5/6 Completes a college course at HND level Moves to University Mary Achieves a mixture of N4 and N5 in S4 Achieves Highers / N5s in S5/6 and completes Academies course (HNC) Moves directly to year 2 of University Kathryn Achieves a mixture of N4 and N5 in S4 Goes straight to college to begin a modern apprenticeship Moves to employment Kerry
Question time