Fig. 3. Fig. 3. Triple arterial phase of 70-year-old woman with colon cancer liver metastasis.1st scan was deteriorated by significant motion artifacts with truncation artifact, leading to non-diagnostic image (A). Following 2nd (B) and 3rd (C) TAP scans were regarded as optimal late arterial phase imaging, and successfully demonstrate 4 cm rim enhancing mass which was confirmed as metastasis after surgery (arrows). TAP = triple arterial phase Fig. 3. Fig. 3. Triple arterial phase of 70-year-old woman with colon cancer liver metastasis.1st scan was deteriorated by significant motion artifacts with truncation artifact, leading to non-diagnostic image (A). Following 2nd (B) and 3rd (C) TAP scans were regarded as optimal late arterial phase imaging, and successfully demonstrate 4 cm rim enhancing mass which was confirmed. . . Korean J Radiol. 2016 Jul-Aug;17(4):522-532.