HealthY & UnHealthy Dating Relationships Write down the information or what it says to do in red
We don’t all have the same ideas about qualities & expectations for dating. Express those ideas for yourself In your journals write 5 qualities you would want in a date and why each one is important to you. In your journals write 5 expectations or characteristics of a date that you would want and why each one is important to you .
What Is Consent “Do You Want a Cup of Tea?”
Go to the Website https://www. plannedparenthood 1. Click on Relationships 101: Read through the information on “What’s a healthy relationship? In your journal write down 3 of the 6 things you think are most important: 2. Click on Abusive Relationships: Read through the information on each of the 4 sections In your journal write 3 important things you learned from each section: 3. Click on Consent & Rape: Read through the information on “What is Consent? In your journal write down 3 of the 6 things you think are most important
Healthy Relationships Commonly accepted values such as: respect, honesty, equity, consideration, commitment Healthy relationships result in mental, emotional, social, and physical benefits. Shared responsibility and requires good communication. All behaviors should be agreed upon and CONSENTUAL
The Stats on dating violence 1 in 4 women & 1 in 6 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime Girls 16-19 are 4x more likely to experience a rape 12% of girls and 5% of boys in high school have been sexually assaulted 93% knew the perpetrator (
Unhealthy Relationships Unhealthy relationships can be precursors for sexual assault and dating violence Pay attention to the warning signs: RED Flags (list 5 from next page Both men & women can be abusers in unhealthy relationships
Early Warning Signs of Dating Violence Controlling Extreme Jealousy Manipulative Low Self-Esteem Unpredictable Mood Swings Possessiveness Push for a Quick Relationship Gender Stereotyping Explosive Anger Abusive in Past
Signs of Dating Violence In your journal List 4-5 that you feel are important to know Physical Signs of Injury Dropping Out of School or Missing School Frequently Failing Grades Indecision Changes in Mood or Personality Use of Drugs/Alcohol Pregnancy Emotional Outbursts Isolation
How to Help a Friend If you’re worried, say something Listen, support, and believe them Help your friend take action Encourage them to get help and get out Call in reinforcements – talk to a trusted adult Do you know someone in an unhealthy relationship? NO NAMES What could you do to help?
Dating Violence Quiz Does Your Partner…? Isolate you from friends you had before you began dating? Frequently embarrass you or make fun of you in front of other people? Use intimidation to make you do what he/she wants? Make you feel there is “no way out” of the relationship? Make you perform sexual acts that you don’t enjoy (against your will)? Do you know someone in an unhealthy relationship? NO NAMES
Ending an Unhealthy Relationship Remember: No one deserves to be abused Know that: It is never the victim’s fault Talk to someone you can trust Get medical attention if you have been physically harmed Seek safety at your local shelter if needed
Ending an Unhealthy Relationship Get out. Abusive relationships usually get worse over time If the relationship is hurting you, it’s OK to break up Get your friends or their friends involved. If you feel threatened, make sure to have someone present during the break-up