Tutorial/HW Week #8 WRF Chapter 23; WWWR Chapters 25-26 ID Chapter 14 To be discussed on March 14, 2017. By either volunteer or class list.
Special Forms Combining the flux equation with the continuity equation,
Assuming constant r and DAB, we get Additionally, if there are no reactions, then or
And if there is also no fluid motion, v = 0, Which is Fick’s second law of diffusion For steady state process, constant r and DAB,
With no chemical reaction and no fluid flow, becomes which is the Laplace equation for molar concentration.
Initial and Boundary Conditions Initial condition: e.g. t = 0, CA=CA0. Boundary condition: (a) The concentration of the transferring species A at a boundary is specified. (b) A reacting surface boundary is specified.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
R2 R2 R1
Review #2: Convective Heat Transfer & Mass Transfer Fundamentals Please Refer to Appendix 8.