ATCF3 - discussion 3rd Asia Tier Centre Forum Daejeon, South Korea 12th October 2017
LHCONE connection to End-Site NREN network LHCONE VRF LHCONE dedicated BGP peering with all LHCONE prefixes learnt by the VRF TierX network LHCONE Resources
The problem with “Edoardo Solution” Transit Transit is difficult to get: - it is not free for those providing it - it is not easy to justify to funding agencies
How to move forward We should rather concentrate on: - connection with TEIN for transiting remote Asian countries, to GEANT (and possibly to other not-Asian VRFs) - full mesh of peerings between Asian VRFs in major Asian Exchange Points (Hong Kong, Singapore..) - those with transpacific links should peer with other not-Asian VRFs like CANARIE, Internet2 but also GEANT and NORDUnet
Status of LHCONE VRFs in Asia at ATCF2 2016 ESnet US AS293 ThaiREN TH AS24475 CERNlight CH AS20641 SINET JP AS2907 ASGCNet TW AS24167 TEIN Asia AS24490 TEIN gives transit to reach GEANT KREONET KR AS17579 ERnet IN AS2697 International National GEANT EU AS20965 LHCONE peering in place Only physical connection in place
Asia-Pacific VRFs Internet2 ESnet CANARIE AARnet MyREN SINET CERNlight US AS11537 ESnet US AS293 CANARIE CA AARnet AU AS7575 MyREN MY SINET JP AS2907 CERNlight CH AS20641 ThaiREN TH AS24475 JGN JP AS17934 ASGCNet TW AS24167 CERnet CN TEIN ASIA AS24490 CSTnet CN KREONET KR AS17579 Asia-Pacific NKN IN Not Asia-Pacifc LHCONE peering LHCONE transit TIFR IN GEANT EU AS20965 LHCONE mutual transit Connection in place, but no LHCONE Missing connection
Questions from the day Would it be useful if TRANSPAC implement a VRF and peer with JGN? How to connect TEIN to ESnet?
Well done! LHCONE situation in Asia has very much improved. Kudos to everyone who has worked for this achievement! It should be called “the ATCF solution”