social sciences 3
What are continents and oceans? A continent is a big land mass. Continents have big masses of water around them called oceans.
What are the names of the continents? There are five continents on Earth: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
What are the names of the oceans? There are five oceans on Earth: the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean.
What are the most important rivers and mountain ranges? The Nile is the longest river in the world. It’s in Africa. The Amazon isn’t as long as the Nile, but it carries more water. It’s in America. The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in the world. They’re in Asia. The Andes aren’t as high as the Himalayas, but they’re the longest mountain range in the world.
What are some of the most important island and archipelagos? Greenland is the biggest island in the world. It’s between the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Madagascar is the biggest island in Africa. It’s in the Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world. It has more than 17 000 islands. The Philippines is also in Asia. It isn’t as big as Indonesia, but it has more than 7 000 islands.
What are countries and capitals? Each continent is divided into countries. There are many different countries and cities in the world. Every country has a capital. This is the main city where the government is based.
What are some examples of countries and capitals? India is in Asia. Many people live in this country: it has one of the biggest populations in the world. Canada is one of the biggest countries in the world. It’s in America. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It’s in Asia. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world. Its population is more than 37 million people! Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina. It’s in America. It’s one of the biggest cities in America.
What have we learnt? There are five continents… Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
What have we learnt? There are five oceans… Atlantic Arctic Indian Pacific Southern
What have we learnt? Some of the most important rivers and mountain ranges are… the Nile the Amazon the Himalayas the Andes
What have we learnt? Some of the biggest islands and archipelagos are… Greenland Madagascar Indonesia the Philippines