Welcoming Children in Jesus’ Name Kingdom Key #7 Welcoming Children in Jesus’ Name
Mark 10: 13-16 A traditional “blessing session” by Rabbi Jesus becomes something much more special. The Kingdom of God belongs to children and those with childlike faith.
Matthew 18: 1-6 Childlike humility is needed in the Kingdom of God Welcoming a child in Jesus’ Name A Warning about misleading children
Matthew 18: 10-14 “Parable of The Lost Sheep” Emphasis in this version is on Jesus’ desire that none of the children become “lost.”
We must always strive to be welcoming and accepting of all children that come in contact with us and that come into our ministries. We not only serve them; we welcome them, choose to get to know them, and pray for them.
Matthew 21: 14-16 In celebration of Jesus cleansing the Temple and healing the sick, children lead out in songs of praise to God. Jesus refuses to silence them and accepts their act of worship.
“Feeding of the 5,000” with 5 loaves & 2 fish. John 6: 1-14 “Feeding of the 5,000” with 5 loaves & 2 fish. One boy offers up in faith his small lunch to help with Jesus’ ministry and… a miracle happens!
Second Half of “Y” Children Born After 1990
“Helicopter Parents” Since 9/11 (and even before), our society has put a very high value on protecting and insulating our children from any pain; as well as discouraging them from taking any risks.
Although our expectations for today’s kids are extremely high; their caregivers, education system, and even the Church work hard so they never have to: Fail Fall Fight Fear “A Nation of Wimps”
7 “Myths” About Kids Today (from Tim Elmore, author of “Artificial Maturity”) 1.) Kids are unable to make commitments. 2.) Kids shouldn’t have to work in H.S. 3.) Kids can’t have “adult” conversations. 4.) Kids should have whatever they want. 5.) Kids shouldn’t take any unsafe risks. 6.) Kids can’t wait. 7.) Kids shouldn’t be expected to produce anything.
Losing Our “Key” “Being with” our Children and Youth can be seen as a burden, instead of as a blessing. Getting to know and affirming children can be left only to Children’s Staff. Children & Youth can be “protected” from engaging in the Mission of Jesus.