Sunday Bible School Theme: Heroes of Faith Children & Intermediates ETERNITY
Abel “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.” Hebrews 11:4 ABEL
It was not in their physical strength, but in obeying the Word of God. Why “heroes”? Where was the bravery of these servants? It was not in their physical strength, but in obeying the Word of God. ABEL ENOCH NOAH ABRAHAM
FIRM! Do you remember the house built on the rock? What was its foundation like? FIRM! SAND ROCK
Lord, I believe that you have power to save my family! Faith is the “firm foundation”, a certainty, something that is not doubted Lord, I believe that you have power to save my family!
Abel and Cain were brothers Abel and Cain were brothers. One day, each one brought an offering to the Lord
Abel’s offering pointed to Jesus, the Lamb of God. God was pleased with Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s offering. Do you know why? Abel’s offering pointed to Jesus, the Lamb of God.
What did Cain’s offering represent? The man who wants to draw near to God without valuing the sacrifice of Jesus
An empty lamp I don’t want, no, no Praise Abel and Cain received the same teaching. But Cain did not pay attention to what he had learned. Worldly music An empty lamp I don’t want, no, no Praise
Lord, cover me with the blood of Jesus. Deliver me from all evil. What teaching does Abel bring us? Lord, cover me with the blood of Jesus. Deliver me from all evil. That the blood of Jesus brings us forgiveness and deliverance. SCHOOL
But we are like Abel: we will always remember this teaching. Many are like Cain: they don’t value the blood of Jesus. But we are like Abel: we will always remember this teaching.
By faith, Abel pleased God He believed in the precious teaching that was transmitted to him, and so he was victorious.
Question for the children and intermediates Cain and Abel each brought an offering to God. Which offering pleased God? Answer: God was pleased with Abel’s offering. “Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flocki and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering.” Genesis 4:4