FOSS Friends of Sheet School Newsletter: October 2017 Hello from FOSS! Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who supported our Big FOSS Tea Party. It was a lovely way to celebrate the start of the new school year, and we raised £135 for our school! COMING UP… Please save the dates and support us as much as you can – none of these events can go ahead without the support and help of parents, and with recent government budget cuts in place, it is now more important than ever to raise money to help our lovely school. Our Halloween Disco is Thursday 19th October. Tickets are now available, please pass forms and money to the office or a member of FOSS. We are busy planning our Christmas Fair which is taking place on Saturday 2nd December 2-4pm. Volunteers and donations will be needed. More details to follow! A big thank you to Nikki Hutchinson for volunteering to look after our second hand uniform sales. Nikki now has a large stash of uniform so grab her or a member of the FOSS team in the playground if there is anything you need, or message her on facebook. Nikki is planning termly uniform sales towards the end of every term for those children who have had growth spurts! And finally… We are on the hunt for some new class reps. This is a small way that you can help the school by being the first point of contact for your year group. It doesn’t take up too much time but it really does help both the school and the class. The role involves liaising with the parents in your year group to support class events. We currently have vacancies in Year 2 and Year 3 – please contact a member of the FOSS team if you would like to be involved so that the classes do not miss out!