Stanley Chow Portraits: Research ( 1. What is your favourite portrait by Stanley Chow? Explain why you like it. 2. Look at a range of portraits, what makes them unique? How would you describe his style? Copy and paste some images here and label them. My favourite portrait by Stanley Chow is of David Bowie because of the bright colours that have been used because they make it stand out and I also like how the artist has exaggerated some parts of the picture and how he used the background to contrast with the other colours. 3. Which celebrity will you chose? Copy and paste some ideas here: These need to be photographs of your chosen celebrity. (Head only). Stanley chow uses characters from films and other celebrities such as sports personalities and singers. He uses a range of colours and different backdrops. He has a fairly retro, cartoon style. To make his pictures recognisable he use certain aspects from the person he’s drawing like Amy Winehouse’s beehive and exaggerates them. He has a unique style.