Unit: The Political Process Republicans Democrats
Cornell Notes Unit: The Political Process Topic: Political Parties and Ideology Task: What are the different ideological classifications? What is the difference between Republicans and Democrats? Where do you fit on the two dimensional political ideological spectrum?
Political Ideology Refers to a person’s values and beliefs regarding government and public policy. Political ideological spectrum is a linear chart that includes the ideologies of conservatives, liberals, and moderates.
Conservatives Tend to be more resistant to change Tend to support government efforts to promote order Are opposed to higher taxes
Liberals In general liberals are more open to change Tend to be less supportive of government efforts to promote order or values Tend to favor higher taxes to improve standard of living for the poor.
Moderates In general have political values that are in between conservatives and liberals. Sometimes moderates are referred to as centrists.
Democrats Tend to be more liberal Favor Government spending to promote equality—(social welfare, universal health care) Favor fewer government restrictions on civil freedoms such as speech, religion etc..(Pro Choice) Tend to favor higher taxes, especially on the wealthy
Republicans Tend to be more conservative Favor less government spending and intervention in the economy (less regulation) Tend to favor government efforts to promote order in society (More power for police officers and law enforcement) Tend to favor lower taxes
Cornell Notes Unit: Political Process Topic: 2 Dimensional Political Ideological Spectrum Guiding Question: Where do you fit on the two dimensional political ideological spectrum?
Definitions Conservatives favor freedom vs. equality and favor order vs. freedom. Liberals favor equality over freedom and freedom over order. Populists favor both equality and order over freedom. Libertarians favor freedom over equality and order.