The House of the Scorpion Ch 4, 5, 6, & 7 Summaries Guidelines Include the answers to these questions from the chapters to develop your summary paragraphs (4 total). Write one summary paragraph for each chapter.
What steps did Rosa take to make Matt’s life miserable in his prison? Include the answers to these questions from chapters 4-7 to develop your summary paragraphs (4 total). Write one summary paragraph for each chapter. Include the page numbers. Chapter 4 p. 25-35 Chapter 5 p. 36-51 How do the children describe clones? Where is Matt taken? How does Rosa treat Matt? How is Maria different than the others? What does she do for Matt? Why do you think Celia told Matt stories about chupacabras and other monsters? Why does Maria stay with Matt? What are the consequences of this decision? What steps did Rosa take to make Matt’s life miserable in his prison? Who’s Tom? How did Matt and Tom’s first meeting go? Who finally brings Celia to see Matt? What was Celia’s plan to free Matt? chupacabra
What was a “little off” about Tom? Include the answers to these questions from chapters 4-7 to develop your summary paragraphs (4 total). Write one summary paragraph for each chapter. Include the page numbers. Chapter 6 p. 52-64 Chapter 7 p. 65-74 What was Rosa’s warning to Matt? For whom was Matt cleaned up to meet? What is discovered when Matt takes off his shirt? What does El Patron decide to call Matt? Why? What is the relationship between Matt and El Patron? Where was Celia now living? How long was Matt in prison? What is the reaction of everyone to Matt? El Patron? Who is most important to El Patron? What is the significance of this? What are the consequences? Who did Matt choose as a bodyguard? Why? What was a “little off” about Tom? Why did the doctor visit more? What power did it give to Matt? Why is Maria leaving? What is Matt and Maria’s relationship like? What made Matt finally talk? Why?