Team B SaaS Procurement Process October-November 2009
Summary Business Challenge Workshop Goal Workshop Methodology Workshop Outcome Action Plan (WWW Model) Appendices—Team B Final Deliverables
Business Challenge SaaS Model Evolving to Effective Solution More Popular in the Private Sector Key Issues for Oregon SaaS Strategy No Standard Enterprise Procurement Process Long and Inefficient Procurement Cycles Agencies Acting Individually
Workshop Goal Create a leaner process that allows for a reduced solicitation cycle time to execute SaaS enterprise agreements. Improve process efficiency, contract management, better use of resources and customer satisfaction.
Workshop Methodology Timeline Participants: Initial workshop: Oct. 14th - 15th Follow up workshop: Nov. 17th Participants: 7 agencies: DAS, SOS, ODOT, OSP, DOJ, ODOE and WRD Vendors: Computer Associates, Inc (CA) and itMAQ (Oct. Only)
Workshop Methodology Workshop Tool Process Improvement Mapping Tool: Describes process tasks Maps the process flow Analyzes value added and non- value added time Discusses time saving per task
Workshop Outcome 121 76 37% New Enterprise SaaS Procurement Process DOJ email--Karen Johnson, Sr Assistant Attorney General (Appendix 1) New timeline built on SPO’s standard multi-step RFP process New process expected to reduce solicitation cycle time by 37% Task—Solicitation for an enterprise SaaS products agreement Assumes scope of work and legislative requirements (e.g. HB2867) are addressed Present Days Future Days 1.0 Convene Task Force to Develop RFP – Agreement Owner Lead 121 76 2.0 Solicit for Enterprise-wide Agreement – DAS SPO Lead 3.0 Evaluate Proposal and Announce Award – DAS SPO Lead 4.0 Order off Contract – Agencies Lead Total Savings in Percentage 37% (See the full SaaS Procurement Process Map in Appendix 4)
Action Plan (WWW Model) What: Actions to Achieve Enterprise SaaS Products Agreement (email application used as a model) Who: Responsibility When: Deadline 0.0 Develop and plan scope of work Ling Kan/ Greg Sanker Dec. 15th 0.1 Develop business case 0.2 Develop scope 0.3 Develop requirements 0.4 House Bill 2867 measuring standard for contract performance Melissa Canfield/Michelle Remmy Dec. 18th 0.5 ESSPD approval Dugan Petty Dec. 20th 0.6 CIO council update Dec. 8th 1.0 Convene Task Force and develop RFP Jan. 15th 2.0 Solicit for an enterprise-wide agreement Lori Nordlien Feb. 5th 3.0 Evaluate proposal and announce award Mar. 19th 4.0 Order off contract – as agencies need (See the full Action Plan in Appendix 5)
Appendices-Team B Final Deliverables Appendix 1—DOJ email, Karen Johnson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Appendix 2—Minimum Qualifications of a SaaS Vendor Appendix 3—Public Contracting Law, House Bill 2867 Appendix 4—Process Mapping Worksheet Appendix 5—Action Plan (WWW Model)