Prior to change: The referee was not directed to inform the coach/wrestler as to the time remaining for a particular time-out in the past. Also recovery time had not been part of the rule. Reason for change: Recovery time is a situation that has a time limit. Recovery time is now included. During these time-out situations the referee should: Be at the table monitoring the proper clock; At the 1:00- and 30-second mark inform the coach/wrestler to the amount of time remaining. Since coaching is permitted for either wrestler, there is no need to supervise the injured wrestler. Should allow for the re-start to take place in a more timely fashion. Case Book Situations: 7.1.1B; 7-1-6A; 7-4-2B
No change in definition (formerly Rule 5-2-5) Opportunity to review the definition Case Book Situations: 5.9.2A-J
No change, only clarification. Procedure: If referee is holding any near-fall points (Scenes 4-5) and defensive wrestler indicates an injury or bleeds and the match is stopped for: Safety of opponent Out of bounds End of period An additional point will be added to the near fall. If any of the following also occur, an additional point(s) shall be scored as per the Penalty Chart: Technical violation Unsportsmanlike conduct Illegal hold Unnecessary roughness Reminder: Disqualification, via the Penalty Chart, could occur with any of these violations. Case Book Situations: 5.9.2G, J
Criteria for a near fall: “a. Criteria for a near fall occur when any part of both shoulders or both scapulae of the defensive wrestler are held within 4 inches of the mat or less; or when one shoulder or scapula of the defensive wrestler is touching the mat and the other shoulder or scapula is held at an angle of 45 degrees or less with the mat; or when the defensive wrestler is held in a high bridge or on both elbows.” No change, only clarification. Procedure: When the offensive wrestler brings the opponent into near-fall criteria, but fails to hold him there for the required two seconds and the opponent: Indicates an injury Bleeds the referee will stop the match. If, in the judgment of the referee, the defensive wrestler had been brought into criteria and an injury or bleeding occurs, a two-point near fall shall be awarded. The referee may or may not have started the count. Situation will seldom occur.
Increased the penalty from deduction of one to two team points. All ejections (coach, wrestler, team personnel) under Rule 8-1-4 are two-point team deduction. Apparent increase in unacceptable conduct by coaches Reminders: Coach may go to table at any time Timer should record time and score when coach arrives at table and requests a conference Timer shall signal when no significant action is taking place Referee shall discuss with coach If question involves judgment, the conference shall end immediately and the coach penalized (warned or points) If a misapplication is determined by the referee, adjustments are made, explanation to opposing coach and wrestling resumed. If no misapplication is determined by the referee, the coaching staff will be penalized in accordance with the Penalty Chart (First-warning; second-one team point; third-ejection and two team points). The head coach is always the person ejected. The ejection is for the remainder of the day and the coach must leave the premises. Case Book Situations: 6.6.6A-H
The coach is no longer penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct should a wrestler appear on the mat not ready to wrestle. Removed from Rule 7-5-3 also. Penalty was seen as too severe. The wrestler will still be charged with a technical violation; a time-out and injury time reduced. If not corrected with 1 ½ minutes, the wrestler will be disqualified. This change does not affect the unsportsmanlike call charged to the coach should the wrestler be detected wearing something illegal once the match has started (Rule 3-1-4c). Case Book Situations: 3.1.4; 8.1.1A-D
Added “hands” to the list of usual supporting points. Hands were understood as being a potential supporting point(s). Previous rule was Rule 5-1-2. Case Book Situation: See page 5
Rule states “A knee or foot may be placed behind the defensive wrestler’s feet.” “May” was inadvertently changed to “shall” in the 2003-04 publication (previously Rule 5-1-6).
Prior to change: Match score was reported as tied (i.e. 2-2). Now a point will be added to wrestler who rides out the opponent. New scoring symbol added also (See Scoring Abbreviation).
2003-04 change indicated the elimination of dual meets ending in a tie. For computer scoring purposes and statistical records, a tie was still indicated and usually an asterisk was needed to indicate the winner and/or who advances in dual tournament competition. Now, if a tie occurs: A point is added to the team score and The criterion used to break the tie is to be noted.
Four scoring abbreviations are either new or altered. Sw – Indicates a warning for stalling. RO – Indicates offensive wrestler rode out opponent in tie-breaker. CMw – Indicates a warning for Coach Misconduct. Altered CM – Indicates a penalty for Coach Misconduct. Formerly indicated by “MC”.
One new signal (Signal 1) and two altered signals (Signals 2 and 7) Signal 1 – Starting the match. Many variations were used in the past. Response from website input was positive to add this signal. Should an official choose to start the match, for the referee’s position, from behind the wrestlers, the signal should still be used to assist the timer. Altered: Signal 2 – Stopping the match. Many variations Response from website input was positive to alter this signal. Most comments indicated this was the signal most were using. Many times the referee is stepping into the competition to stop action at the whistle and the arm over the head was cumbersome. Signal 7 – Neutral position: Not all referees using correctly. Very seldom were the arms extended as for signal required.
Review Rule 7-6 as well as Rule 6-7-1, 2 1999 the statement “During the tiebreaker, stalling will be called; when it is unquestionably occurring.” was removed. Offensive wrestler must: Work aggressively for a fall. Defensive wrestler must: Work aggressively to escape or reverse. From a neutral position, both must work to secure a takedown. Tiebreaker Adjustments Offensive wrestler need not score. Offensive wrestler should not be allowed to “hang on”. Offensive wrestler should display an effort to score. Review Rule 7-6-4. There are no hard and fast guidelines “If you THINK its stalling, it is.” you have probably already missed making the call. Trust your instincts, make the call
Concerns raised about unsportsmanlike acts arising from or refusal of a competitor shaking hands with the opposing coach. If a bad situation occurs, a penalty should be invoked immediately.
Need continued diligence toward: Skin conditions (4-2-2, 4) Wrestlers must be reminded to: Report a suspect skin condition. Use clean practice clothes each day. Mats must be cleaned daily. Proper uniforms Reports are increasing that coaches are ordering or accepting delivery of questionable sleeveless shirts (4-1-1a, c). Hair/facial hair (4-2-1) Trends in hair styles have created concern. Referee required to approve hair length. If hair length is illegal or abrasive (A and B), legal covering must be worn (C). Coaches are encouraged to have at least one legal hair cover in their equipment bag.
Artificial means of weight loss are prohibited. Proper nutritional information should be made available from a professional source. Old-time weight reduction methods must be replaced with healthy and lower risk methods approved by the recognized sports medicine community.
Removed from the rules book in 1985-86. States wanted more latitude in criteria. Provided now as interest has picked up about some type of criteria. Remains out of the rules. Not required to be followed.
2005 Rules Committee Meeting Rules Changes Form Due March 3, 2005 2005 Rules Committee Meeting April 10-11, 2005 Indianapolis, IN E-mail Addresses: jdiehl@nfhs.org kadams@nfhs.org
RULE 5 Completely revised. Ongoing project: May add more. May remove items from other rules. Suggestions for adding/deleting?
RULE 2-1-1 DIAGRAM 5 foot mark added to diagram. The optional seating of coaches, on the mat, must be at least 5’ from the out of bounds circle.
RULE 3-1-1 Now requires a black lanyard and whistle. Another step in a consistent, professional look.
RULE 3-2-2f When the referee and assistant referee need a conference, it shall not be in the presence of either coach.
RULE 4-5-3 Once the next weight class is called, the current weight class is closed. Supports past interpretation. Contestant may move up a weight class if Rule 4-4-2 applies. Once weight class is closed, contestant may not go down to a lower weight class even if Rule 4-4-2 permits.
RULE 4-5-3 (Cont.) Coaches must decide what class(es) a contestant is going to weigh in for prior to starting of weigh-ins. Doesn’t limit weighing in multiple contestants at a weight. Contestants cannot go below the class recorded at weigh-in.
RULE 6-6-1 Bad Time definition moved to Rule 5-1. Rule now lists how to handle Bad Time, if it occurs by definition.
RULE 6-6-2 Re-organized for clarity.
RULE 6-6-4, 5 NOTES Notes added to both. Coach’s responsibility to know team scores. Coach must also have a working knowledge of rules in the event Rule 6-6-6 should come into play.
RULE 7-3-7 Supports the interpretation. Supports Rules 4-1-1 and 8-1-1. Was not clear in past publications.
RULE 7-3-7 (Cont.) Doesn’t affect something that was legal at the beginning of the match such as the following example: Referee failed to check wrestler for required/legal equipment and shoelaces are discovered untied later in the match. This would be handled as any piece of legal equipment becoming inoperative during the match.
RULE 7-5-4 Coach Misconduct rule re-labeled. Definition also included in Rule 5-3.
RULE 8-2-5 Rules book lists as 8-2-6. Added “medical staff” to permit a broader definition as to who can make determination should a physician not be present.
RULE 9-2-2b, f and n Added clarifiers to these three subsections. Supports past interpretations.
RULE 9-2-3a, b Added language for awarding advancement points. There must be a bout competed in a round in order that those who received byes have the opportunity to “pull through” an advancement point(s). Many times a bracket is not full and all competitors received so-called byes. Actually, these are not byes as there were no bouts in that round. Eliminates inflated team scores by receiving points that weren’t earned.