Inter – University Postgraduate Program “Health Care Management –Health Informatics” Professor John Mantas, PhD, FEFMI, FIAHSI Director of Inter-University Postgraduate Program
Cooperating Universities National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Nursing– Coordination Faculty Department of Economics Department of Informatics & Telecommunications University of Piraeus Department of Informatics Department of Industrial Management and Technology Department of Digital Systems
Inter – University Postgraduate Programs MSc Health Care Management (20 Postgraduate students) MSc Health Informatics (20 Postgraduate students)
Purpose of Program The postgraduate students are able, after their graduation, to respond to the modern needs of health care services, for example Organization, Administration, Financial Management of Services, Informatics and Health Technology. Also, in this curriculum the postgraduate students are becoming familiar with scientific research and after that they are able to perform, evaluate and implement programs effectively as well as design and conduct research on the relative subject areas.
Curriculum The courses for postgraduate program (both directions) are: Seven (7) common courses for both directions at first semester. The directions courses are different. The Practicals and the Master Dissertation are obligatory for all postgraduate students. The total number of ECTS should be 120. Duration: 4 Semesters
MSc in Health Informatics First Semester Second Semester Compulsories Courses ECTS Courses Introduction to Health Informatics 5 Methodologies in Information Systems Development 4 Introduction to Health Sciences Databases International Health Systems Computer Networks Hospitals Information Systems Electronic Health Records Health Technology Management, Biomedical Engineering Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images Research Methodology Telemedicine Biostatistics Knowledge Management 6 Total ECTS 30
MSc in Health Informatics Third Semester Fourth Semester Courses ECTS Object Oriented Programming JAVA 6 Master Thesis 30 Bioinformatics 4 Practicals 20 Total ECTS Total ECTS 120
MSc in Healthcare Management First Semester Second Semester Compulsories Courses ECTS Direction’s Courses Introduction to Health Informatics 5 Health Policy and Strategic Planning 4 Introduction to Health Sciences Health Services Management and Leadership International Health Systems Health Economics Hospitals Information Systems Operational Research in Health Services Health Technology Management, Biomedical Engineering Quality Control of Health Services Research Methodology Principles of Marketing and Market Research 2 Biostatistics Economic & Financial Analysis and Management Epidemiology and Public Health Total ECTS 30
MSc in Healthcare Management Third Semester Fourth Semester Courses ECTS Project Management 4 Master Thesis 30 Staff Planning Health Sociology 2 Practical Exercises through E-learning Applications 20 Total ECTS Total ECTS 120
Master’s Dissertation Master’s Dissertation should be a research or review of a related subject to the Specialization. The definition of the title of Dissertation is determined by the Supervisor and Postgraduate Student, after successful completion of the courses. The Examining Board consists of three members: the Supervisor and two other Faculty members.
Postgraduate Programs in Public Health at the University of Athens
Postgraduate Program The Postgraduate Program of the School of Health Sciences provides every two years the following specializations : Public Health Community Nursing Transcultural Healthcare
Postgraduate Program Clinical Nursing , with the following directions: Gastroenterology Nursing Critical Care Nursing Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing Pediatric Nursing Prevention and Control of Infections Surgical Nursing Nursing of Cardiovascular Diseases Crisis management and emergencies – Travel and International Health Management of Crises and Emergencies International Travel and Health Relations
MSc in Public Health The courses for postgraduate program are: Seven (7) common courses for all specializations at first semester. The specializations courses are different. The Clinical Practice and the Master Dissertation are obligatory for all postgraduate students. The total number of ECTS should be 120. Duration : 4 Semesters
FIRST SEMESTER COURSES COMMON FOR ALL SPECIALIZATIONS COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS ECTS 1 Biostatistics 30 6 30 ECTS 2 Total Quality Management in Health Care 26 4 3 Communication Skills Crisis Management and Emergencies-Travel and International Health 5 Research Methodology Principles for Writing Research Papers 20 7 Legal issues in Health (Law)
SECOND SEMESTER MSc in Public Health COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS ECTS 1 Epidemiology 30 5 30 ECTS 2 Prevention 60 10 3 Health Education and Promotion 6 4 Demography 20 Advanced Biostatistics in Public Health
THIRD SEMESTER DIRECTION: PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIZATION: PUBLIC HEALTH COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS ECTS 1 Health Economics 30 6 30 ECTS 2 Occupational Health 3 Clinical Decision Making 4 Mass Disasters: Children and Vulnerable Groups 5 Epidemiology of Mental Disorders
FOURTH SEMESTER MSc in PUBLIC HEALTH COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS ECTS 1 Master’s Dissertation 20 30 ECTS 2 Clinical Practice 50 10
Master Dissertation Master Dissertation should be a research or review of a related subject to Specialization. The definition of the title of Dissertation is determined by the Supervisor and Postgraduate Student. The Examining Board consists of three members: the Supervisor and two Faculty members.
Project web site: Doctoral Studies Doctoral studies for all graduates of the programs leading to PhD Requires 3 to 6 years Supervision by one Faculty member and two Faculty members as advisors. It requires at least 3 peer reviewed journal publications, plus annual participation in conferences. PhD Thesis is examined by seven members Faculty committee including external to the University Faculty members Project web site:
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