Sally Myers (subject librarian) Martin Burke (LIS) Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Specialist resources and services at the University of Chester Sally Myers (subject librarian) Martin Burke (LIS)
Overview of the student experience of finding accessible resources Resource list eBook Accessible book service
Resource list Academics (selecting the right publishers, or resources that we have ebooks for) Subject librarians (purchasing ebooks)
eBook platforms Is the eBook fit for purpose? NoWAL eBook accessibility audit - benchmarking Investigated different platforms Investigated different publishers Hardware Browser Rating system coming soon Vlebooks Dawson’s EBL Ebrary MIL
Accessible books service On demand service Contact publisher on behalf of the student for accessible version RNIB Publisher Scan Vlebooks Dawson’s EBL Ebrary MIL
Independent methods - Mind View Tool to create Mind Maps Add different levels Add voice comments Convert to project management documents Vlebooks Dawson’s EBL Ebrary MIL
Independent methods - Read and Write Gold Each main option has a on-line video file Spell checker, fact finder, screen mask, voice note recorder, text to speech (TTS) Uses microphone and loudspeakers Always on top Vlebooks Dawson’s EBL Ebrary MIL
Independent Methods My Study Bar Collection of open source and freeware applications for PC only Screen masking, Text to Speech, Mind Map, Sticky Notes, Recording text
Is free and standard on all Windows PCs Windows Ease of Access Is free and standard on all Windows PCs Choose from all apps:- Magnifier, narration, on screen keyboard, voice recognition, high contrast Apple has equivalent
Further reading g-resources.aspx technologies.aspx
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